October 29, 2014

Five new-to-me blogs I'm loving right now.

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Anna from The Heart's Overflow has a wonderful series of 31 things she learned from her parents. I found her after reading her wonderful Blessed Is She devotion and ended up reading through all the posts in her series. You should too, and then subscribe to her sweet blog - it's really well done.

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Amanda was one of the bloggers I was able to meet at the Edel Conference. Her blog is beautiful and I love her writing - like a friend sharing her life with you. So much good: Erring on the Side of Love.

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Olivia writes from Australia and fills her blog with lush, gorgeous pictures. I don't remember how I came across her site but I love it: The Magic and the Mundane.

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Seashell Nell - who first told me about her blog? Was it a Mary? Maybe a Mary. Anyways, I really enjoy reading her blog. She comes from a close, fun, Polish, Catholic family and she often writes about their adventures (like literal "Let's walk The Way of St. James together!" adventures). She is also a single Catholic woman I like reading her perspective. 

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Now, I know that Mary told me about Graceful Living {at Home}. You guys! Jennifer's story is amazing and heartbreaking and beautiful. Her pictures are gorgeous and I really love her posts about her home and decorating, and the way she brings her faith into it all.

Linking up with Jenna for her Five Favorites.

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  1. Bonnie!! You are seriously just the nicest! First the feedback and then this! You just made me one absolutely happy little blogger! :) Thank you for being so affirming, encouraging, and just making my morning! Off to look at the other blogs.

  2. Hi Bonnie! Thank you for including me as one of your 5 new fave bloggers. I have been keeping up with you for awhile now and glad you found me back. So great to meet you in blogland!

  3. Thanks for these recommendations, Bonnie! Looks like there are some good blogs here!

  4. Aw....thanks for the shout out Bonnie! I have been enjoying your blog as well! And am excited to check out these other goodies!
