September 25, 2014

A Knot Bad Interview with Haley from Carrots for Michaelmas

September 29th is the feast of Michaelmas.

If you're like me, you're thinking, "What? The feast of what? Who? What's this? Why are there dragons?"

My friend Haley came to my rescue and did an interview, walking me through the pronunciation, background, and some ways to celebrate the feast.

Haley was a delight and I hope you enjoy the video! There's links below you'll want to check out too - follow up on some of the things we discussed during our conversation.

Haley's blog, Carrots for Michaelmas.
Haley's cookbook, Feast!
Kendra's devil pinata and more ideas: Fun, Feasting, and Beating the Devil with Swords: a Family Michaelmas
Molly's ideas: Preparing for the Feast

Haley said Embertide and I had no idea what she was talking about. This is what she was talking about.

Roasted chicken, not from Haley but it'll do until your cookbook arrives in the mail.
(Or you can get a rotisserie chicken from your local grocery story!)
Whiskey glazed carrots from the Pioneer Woman.
Blackberry cobbler, also from the Pioneer Woman.
Angel food cake (if you don't want to use a mix)
Blackberry compote for the cake.

And in case you don't know the prayer, here it is:
+St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, cast into hell satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. 

So raise your hand if you're going to make whiskey glazed carrots and a roasted chicken this Monday, and finish dinner with (Arch)Angle Food Cake with a blackberry compote and the prayer to St. Michael.
(hand raised)

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Plus, I'd love to connect with you. You can find me on InstagramPinterest, and Facebook. I hope to "meet" you soon!


  1. This is awesome! You guys crack me up! Also, if I haven't had this baby yet, I'm totally making that awesome sounding Dinner! Thanks for doing this interview, I really enjoyed it!

  2. I love this!!! We are going to start with this celebration this coming year. It's been so overwhelming thinking about celebrating the feast days but this made it seem do-able. Thanks!!!!

  3. Love this Knot Bad video! Looking forward to Michaelmas on Monday! Thanks, Bonnie. :)

  4. Loved this video! You both were great! I'm excited to celebrate our first Michaelmas! :) and I think the boys will enjoy it too!

  5. Thanks for all the kind words, ladies!
    Haley is so wonderful, so laid back - a delight!

    1. So are you, Bonnie! Two beautiful women sharing some fun and feast that helps our faith come to life!

  6. Love this video, Bonnie! Haley has some great ideas for the feast day. Your audio was a little quiet, but I'm guessing you knew that already

  7. This was fun to watch! I don't mind saying that it is nice to hear that I am not the only one floundering trying to get us going on following the liturgical year. I'm really excited about Feast! I have it in ebook form but I *need* it in real book form as well. I'm a hands on cookbook owner. ;)

  8. I love this! Helpful every year!
