July 17, 2014

A Swollen Lip, a Visit from Kendra, a Whole Bunch of Busy & the Best of the Web


Life came and swept me away and things have been crazy around here.

Poor L had an allergic reaction following some fillings and her lip swelled to four times its normal size and then blistered over. Multiple trips to the dentist and our family doctor followed. Poor girl; she's tired of the attention it's bringing her and she just wants to look pretty and not have a bleeding lip.

Travis, who lives by the motto "Happy Wife: Happy Life" busted up our old patio and poured a new one for me two days before JP's big 1st birthday party. Thank God for my wonderful in-laws who were all able to come down and help with the process!

The day before the party was the first ever Sheen Family Day. There were crafts and cookies, pictures with Fulton Sheen, tours of the Sheen Museum and St. Mary's Cathedral. We estimate 125 people came through which is really great!

Kendra and 6 of her 7 kids came down for the Sheen Day and the birthday party. They came over for dinner Saturday night and in a moment of panic my husband bought 6 loaves of garlic bread and two gallons of pasta from our local fast food Italian place. It was more than enough.
The next day her older two kept my kids busy while my friend Kim blew up balloons, Kendra cleaned my house, decorated, and cut up fruit, and my mom did a bunch of other things like changing diapers. Travis and his brother literally built the step for the new patio as guests were arriving for the party. One friend had to go buy ketchup (106 burgers, brats, and hot dogs and NO ketchup) and another bought 4 bags of ice. The whole lip thing really threw off my week and we just weren't ready. But people are good and generous and want to help and so the party was still a success.
The party, which included 81 of our closest friends and family members, was a blast. It was a bit warm but the kids loved playing outside and I think everyone had a lot of fun.

JF had a outpatient procedure earlier in the week and finally finally! things are back to normal. Whew.

I have all kinds of drafts sitting and waiting to be typed but I obviously haven't had the time or mental capacity to write lately.

Thanks for sticking with me and as a Thank You gift I offer you: The Best of the Web!

"Weird Al" Yankovic's "Word Crimes". Hilarious.

7 Quick Takes at Sverella  by Carolyn Way to go, Emmett!

Eight Things I Have Learned on My Journey as a Creative Mom by Laura, a guest post at A Knotted Life. Even if you're not creative it is such a fantastic post.

Free Printable Prayers for Your Printing and Praying Pleasure  and
So Your Toddler Is Terrible at Mass? by Kendra at Catholic All Year.

I'm Not Prejudiced, I Just Don't Like 25% of America by Haley at Carrots for Michaelmas

In Which I Admit I Don't Like Everyone by Molly at Molly Makes Do, a follow-up to Haley's.

He Withholds No Good Thing From Us by Susan at Sole Searching Mama. Beautiful.

Concerns Over Girl Scouts Persist Following USCCB's Investigation from The National Catholic Register

On Planting Seeds and Sowing Them by Joe at Shameless Popery

Mary the Gardener: Reflecting on Our Lady of Mount Carmel by Sarah Reinhard at Catholic Exchange. Maybe it's all the landscaping I've been doing lately, but this column really spoke to my heart.

Finally, this video is the best:


  1. Good times Bonnie! I throw a lot of parties, and almost all of them include my parents and friends tidying and running errands and building stuff real quick. I had no idea there was another way to do it. We had a blast!

  2. Call me crazy but I love that internet friends can make such awesome real life friends too! I enjoyed the picture of you two where you, Bonnie, Appear to have only one leg. Good luck with all the recovery and the rest of your settling in, your husband sounds amazing and I quite like his motto!

  3. Aw. We sure miss Kendra and Co over here, but I love this story. Everyone helping out, etc. These are the best parties because it shows you how GOOD people can be. :)

  4. What an update! So glad to hear your sweet kids are doing better, and so glad you had a great party with great friends. Just love that!

  5. I want to be in that picture with you guys! Adorable!
