June 14, 2013

7 Quick Takes

1 - This song is a favorite around the Engstrom house. It's not totally Catholic theology, but there's a few bits I really like. Like the line, "Go and tell that long tongued liar, tell him that God's gonna cut him down." It's a more poetic way of saying one of my expressions: Go to Hell, satan.

2 - Some of you may have noticed that Ignitum Today was been down for a couple of weeks. Thanks to the efforts of Tito Edwards, the Wizard behind the curtain if you will, IT is finally up and running. There's still a few tweaks to work out but the site is up and running again. Here's an old post of mine featuring some of our favorite songs from the fall of 2011.

3 - In the span of two days I had WOMEN say stupid, stupid things to me. First, at a family reunion for Travis' family where he doesn't even know 4/5 of the people, there were a group of 50 and 60 year olds chatting.

"When are you due?" they pleasantly asked.
"July 15th."
"Oh! We thought we'd have to deliver that baby today!" hahahaha, chortle, chortle, wink and slap your knee.
Not funny.

Then, I was at the midwife's office, walking from the bathroom to a chair in the waiting room. A lady, who I would like to point out was ignoring her children and talking on the phone, (that was probably mean) called out to me, "You pregnant with twins?"
"No." I looked pissed.
She looked sorry and said, "Oh, well I," followed by loud nervous laughter.
I dug around in my bag, ignoring her. And  then my blood pressure was 138 over 60 when it should have been closer to 105 over 60.
JF would never say or sign something so dumb. 
4 - My friends the Herrs like to enter video contests. They have four kids and would really  like to win a new roof and deck. You can help them win  the CertainTeed Exterior Home Makeover contest by voting daily through June 18th. Their video is short and very sweet, starring their three daughters, plus a fun jingle on the banjo.   Please watch their video and vote for them! Thank you (and the Herrs thank you too!)

5 - Has anyone made these Lemon Bar Muddy Buddies? They sound great but I'm not gonna waste time and energy on another Pinterest let down.

6 - Travis and I went on a little date today. Our friend Katie gave us a date night for our Christmas present so today we cashed in our free babysitting coupon and used our gift card to watch the new Superman movie, Man of Steel. Let me tell you something, the burger I had at the Black Rabbit in downtown Peoria was *awesome*!

7 - And just a reminder to everyone to say a prayer for all those in Colorado who are threatened by or have already lost their homes because of the Black Forrest Fire. Jenny and Lisa and all my other CO friends - you are in my prayers!

Thank you, Jen, for hosting! Best wishes on your deadline!


  1. That video is fascinating. There are a lot of big name hollywood types in it. I wonder if they agreed to be in it because they think Johnny Cash was cool, or if they really gave thought to the song? Because yeah, if the likes of Keith Richards, Flea, Chris Rock, and all the rest were giving serious thought to their mortality and the fleeting nature of fame in light of eternity, wouldn't that be amazing?

  2. What is the matter with people? Seriously? What woman dares say to a pregnant woman if she is pregnant with twins or if she is due like, yesterday... Ugh. I am sure you look like a lovely pregnant lady who happens to be in those last few weeks that simply sanctification for our souls. I firmly believe that God gives us that time specifically to cut off some of our stay in purgatory and make us so miserable that a screaming baby that wakes every two hours seems is truly a deeply felt joy compared to no sleep at all. May your last few weeks be blessed and as joy-filled as possible!!

  3. #3: The systolic number (the top number on your blood pressure reading) is the one that shows your fight/flight/freeze reflex so it's understandable that it would be high after the stupid comments people made. I know why your midwife would be concerned that it was 138 (I had a preemie because of preeclampsia and my blood pressure was sky-high) but your diastolic number was normal so I think you were just (very understandably) stressed.

    As for people making stupid remarks, my mother-in-law's advice usually proves true: "Consider the source."

  4. I have always liked that Johnny Cash song too...meaning in the words like you said!

  5. Whoa.. let down!..I Was expecting you to say something totally amazingly awesome about Man of Steel. What is your review of the movie, woman!!? Was it the best thing you've ever seen in a movie theatre? Was it OK? Was Henry Cavill a dashing Super man? We are seeing it tomorrow (Saturday) and I am chomping at the bit! Hope you loved it! ;)

    1. Mia, I LOVED the burger, the movie was enjoyable but I had a couple issues with it which are more about me than the movie.

      I will say that a lot of it was really beautiful to look at, I liked Russell Crowe and Diane Lane and thought they were well cast, and that it was cool to see Plano, IL as Kansas. Oh, and pay attention to the stained glass window behind Clark in the church scene. I liked the symbolism.

      In the end this movie didn't move me away from Batman. I'm still black and yellow over blue and red.

    2. What kind of burger was it? I'm getting hungry. Nick and I are seeing the movie today. So excited! I know this movie is going to be a lot different than the older superman movies. But nick said this movie will be very much in line with the newer Superman comics. I'm biased towards Superman so I will probably love it. Still love batman though. But I'm weird, I tend to like batman's villains more than batman himself. I'm a weirdo. Batman has the BEST villains of all the superheroes in my opinion!

  6. 6.5 months pregnant and very VERY large in the stomach area. I gotta tell you, when people are commenting to me about such things (which happens on the regular) this time, I'm kind of like, 'I get it'. lol.

  7. Oh and I let out a few too many curse words for ya in regards to the ignorant women. If someone says something like that to me, I most likely won't be able to keep my pregnant hormone ridden mouth shut. Or you know what would be funny? If after someone says a comment you would burst into tears and start wailing. That would sure make those women nicely uncomfortable. (BTW this pregnancy is making me my fuse short, and making me sob at the tiniest things, anxious, etc etc...I could only assume its because I'm having a girl..with Clark I was so relaxed and normal.) Love you!

  8. OMGeeezie, I would have seriously freaked if those ladies said those things to me, or at least I would have freaked to Mike later on that day. I am so sorry people are such jerks!!

    I have made the lemon buddies and I am going to say they are not really worth it. But then I really love the regular ones and it was just kind of a let down to taste that much lemon and no chocolate. If you really really love lemon it may be worth it, though.

    1. I do really love lemon and I have boys with PB allergies so we don't make the puppy chow ones anyway.

      And believe me, Travis heard about it!

  9. I'm ALWAYS astounded at the crass remarks women make to other women regarding pregnancy. So sorry for your rude encounters. If it makes you feel any better, one day at work I was wearing a particularly square scrub top and a patient (elderly lady 80s-ish) asked when I was due. I explained I wasn't (mortifying) and that it was the cut of the top. She proceeded to TOUCH MY STOMACH and argue with me..."are you sure???" Seriously, lady???? Hope that made you laugh.....we still laugh about that at work!!

  10. Just imagine me with my fist in the air in solidarity.

  11. Just imagine me with my fist in the air in solidarity.

  12. I've come to the astute conclusion that most people do not even think before they speak. I'm becoming more and more convinced of this fact especially when it comes to comments about pregnancy and family size. You and I have had conversations about this before. I'm not usually offended because most people mean well, but commenting on a pregnant woman's size is just rude and mean.
    I hope what assortedjoys said about purgatory is true!

  13. The only thing you should ever say to a pregnant woman: "you look great!"

  14. Here's another version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wEdCeJqddI

  15. Okay, I'll be your muddy buddy guinea pig. Can't have the regular kind here with the PB allergies and white chocolate is candy straight from heaven. Will report back with results.
