November 1, 2012

And all the saints said

"We wanna see you up here!"

Happy Feast Day, everyone! Today we celebrate all the holy men and women who have gone before us - a great cloud of witnesses - giving us many examples of people who loved Christ and lived well.

Some day, I'm gonna be in Heaven (thanks be to God!) - and if the Church, in Her infinite wisdom, sees fit to canonize me I would like to suggest that She make me the Patron Saint of Putting Your Foot In Your Mouth. And Awkward People. And Super Duper Fertile Couples. And Mommas Who Like to Bake.

What would you be the patron saint of?

Now here's a story from my favorite Venerable-hopefully-he'll-be-a-Saint-soon, Fulton Sheen.
Sheen was giving a retreat at a Trappist monastery. Those monks do serious penance - no speaking, no over-eating, etc. Sheen was hearing confessions and a monk came into the room.

"Glory be to God, man! How'd you get so fat in a Trappist monastery?!"

"Fat? I've lost ninety pounds since I got here!"


  1. I just LOL'd!! Love this. Hmmm who would I be the patron saint of?? Maybe clumsiness. Is there a patron saint of nutritionists or firefighters wives?? That would be pretty cool. Happy All Saints Day!!!!!

  2. definitely the patron saint of crazy cat ladies!!!
