March 21, 2012

Pray for a baby, a momma, and a priest

Hello friends.

Just today I recieved two prayer requests via email.  I strongly encourage you to join me in praying for the following people:

Cristina and Andrew are my fellow contributors at IGNITUM TODAY.  You may remember when I asked you to pray for their little girl, Maria Isabella, who was diagnosed with spina bifida at 17 weeks in utero.  Recently Cristina and Maria Isabella had surgery to fix the baby girl's spine.  The delicate surgery was a success but Andrew now writes:

Please keep praying for her and for Cristina’s slow recovery. I know that after the surgery was over, many people remarked “Phew, glad the hard part is over”….but the reality that the doctors and surgeons shared with us is that the work has just begun. In many ways, the main surgeon felt that the surgery was actually one of the easiest aspects of this whole process…the prayers need now are for a calm and slow/steady recovery for Cristina’s uterus, allowing her to carry Maria Isabella to-term, without going in to labor early.

I would also ask you to pray for Andrew who, as a righteous husband and father, is concerned for his family.  You can follow their progress at Cafe con Leche.

Fr. Weldon is the chaplain at Ball State where my friend Joanna is a FOCUS missionary.  Joanna sent this prayer request:

I would like to ask you to pray for our chaplain here at Ball State, Fr. Christopher Weldon. He has had back problems that recently resurfaced and is in a lot of pain. He has degenerative discs in his back (he's only 36!). As a result of this most recent injury, he has had to cancel all daily Masses and find substitutes for his weekend Masses.

Please pray for his quick recovery.

St. Gianna Molla and Fulton Sheen, pray for Cristina, Maria Isabella, and Fr. Weldon!