March 23, 2012

7 quick takes

1 - In high school my friend Mindy made me a mix tape with Harry Belafonte songs on it.  Because we were awesome like that.  When you listen to this song don't think about Beetlejuice just think about shaking your hips.  Go ahead, no one's looking, you can "hoist that skirt a little higher!"

2 - Today is the nationwide Stand Up for Religious Freedom rally at 12 noon.  There will be a group at the federal building in downtown Peoria - just 20 minutes from my house.  I wish I could go but there's one reason I cannot, and he is named "Ben."  Ben loves to wander off and so I am pretty sure that while comforting my "I-should-be-at-home-napping" 18 month old my middle child will walk away and end up standing in the street.

So at noon my kids and I will say a "St. Michael the Archangel" prayer to join those who are gathering across the nation. 

3 - On a completely different note, here's two posts that are really great reads:
 #1 - Cynthia's 7 (Good) Reasons to Swear
 #2 - Putting It That Way by Rebecca Frech

4 - Recently my husband began watching Friday Night Lights on Netflix.  At first I made fun of him - he's a high school teacher so why would he want to relax by watching a tv show about high school?!  But now I'm hooked. 

5 - Travis' 30th birthday is coming up this Monday.  His festivities include going fishing with his brother tomorrow, a family cookout, and permission to watch a movie and go out to eat with some friends after work - and I won't complain.  This is just as generous as when he took me to Boston for my 30th birthday.  I'm such a good woman...

6 - This Sunday, March 25th, I will be speaking in the Atrium at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Springfield, IL following the 5pm Mass.  The talk, titled "61 Minutes: Witness to the Alleged Miracle" will begin around 6:30pm.  The event is free and is hosted by the parish youth group.  If you're in the area it would be great to see you there!

The hat L is wearing was made for me by Jenny Traig, author of Devil in the Details, Well Enough Alone, and the Crafty Girl books.  We volunteered together once upon a time.  Just a little factoid for you.
7 - I share this picture with you because officially, and seemingly unofficially, Winter is over.  Robins in my yard, daffodils blooming, trees budding, rabbits hopping all over the place.  But I knew that Spring was here the other night as I drove home on the country roads with the windows down.  The air felt cool after a warm day and it smelled like the freshly spread manure on the prepped-for-planting fields.  Aahhhh!


  1. Loved both of the posts you shared! Good stuff.

    Good luck with your talk! I'm sure it will be fantastic! :)

  2. For the record, I am a HUGE Harry Belafonte fan. That song is beyond awesome (but I still always think of Beetlejuice when I hear it).

    Thanks for the mention! AND for the cute pics of your kids. They are adorable ;)

  3. After waiting all day long yesterday for the 7 quick takes, I must say they were well worth it. Thanks for the link to the post about swearing ;)

  4. See you Sunday!! It's all over my calendars!

  5. Friday Night Lights is amazing. I love that show so much! I hope you and Travis can watch it together, if y'all have the time.

  6. I've been down the Friday Night Lights road. Love that show. Love the music!
