October 5, 2016

A Potluck Post

You know, a potluck: a little of this, a little of that, everyone brings their best stuff?

In case you missed these blog posts, podcasts, and announcements in other parts of the web I thought I'd share the good news here. :)

First up: Blessed Is She is growing by offering more regional retreats!

In a couple weeks they will be on the beach (literally? I don't know.) in Seal Beach, California. You can still sign up for the October 15th retreat and for those close to the Southwest there is an upcoming retreat in Chandler, Arizona on March 18. Midwesterners and East Coasters - a BIS retreat will be coming your way, too, so stay tuned. For more information and to register go here.

Second, here's some of my favorite recent reads and listens from the internet:
Success is Not a Name of God
The Story of a Forever Home
Why and How I Chucked 2/3 of My Closet
If You Bring a Mom a Muffin
I Want a Better Marriage
The Power of Writing It Down
To Live With Our Wounds
Long Live the Queen
An Apology to My Readers
Life in the Time of Grief and Twitter
Saying 'Yes' in the Mess: Mary's Fiat for Overwhelmed  Moms

And finally, if you are a small business owner, crafter, vendor, etc please consider being a part of
my upcoming Advent Care Package Giveaway. I did one two years ago and will be doing it again this November. If you'd like to be part of the merry-making, and have your business / item featured on my blog and social media please email your information, proposed donation, item's dollar value, and all relevant website / social media links to bonniefandel at gmail dot com. All donations would need to be shipped to me by November 1st to be eligible for the giveaway.

Alright! Have a great day, folks! xo

1 comment:

  1. Welp, that sneak peek video gave me goosebumps and a few tears. The BIS devotionals touch my heart so deeply - I live in MI and am praying that I can attend the Midwest retreat! Thank you for sharing this and for offering your gifts to such a fantastic ministry.
