March 15, 2016

Donald Trump is Naked: The Truth about the Emperor's New Clothes

I don't want to make anyone blush, but I think we all need to talk about the Emperor's new clothes. 

At the beginning of this election season Donald Trump showed up with promises to make America great again and people responded. I didn't think he stood a chance - a reality tv star as president?! - but I get why people are drawn to him. I know that people are scared; they are angry; they are anxious. A lot of us are fed up with politics in America, with jobs leaving the country, and with the dwindling middle class. And Trump has promised to fix all those areas that are troubling us. He tells it like it is and he isn't afraid of doing so.

And in doing so, many Americans have admired the man, cheering him on and voting for him at the polls. 

But I wonder if people know who and what they are really cheering - do they get who they associating themselves with? I know it looks like Trump's wearing a shiny new suit but the fact is, the man is naked. He's got nothing on - no policy, no plans, no diplomacy... he is showing us his true self and it is ugly.

Take, for example, this incident: Peter Alexander, a reporter for NBC Nightly News said to Trump, "Is that presidential [to say 'ass' 'p*ssy' 'motherf*cker' in public]? A lot of parents are wondering how to explain that language; what would you say to parents?"

And then instead of answering the questions, Donald Trump mocks the reporter and says, "It's stuff like that [believing a presidential candidate should not use vulgar language during a press conference] that people in this country are tired of." people are tired of ... good manners? Believing in the dignity of the presidential office? Setting a good example for children?

Donald Trump didn't answer the questions, he just mocked Alexander. And then people whooped and cheered. 

You can watch the video of Peter Alexander and Donald Trump's exchange on The Nightly News' Facebook page while I let out a long, slow, infuriated exhale. 

Donald Trump keeps winning and I don't know why. 

This is a man who publicly mocks a man with a physical disability and people laughed and cheered and voted for him. 

This is a man who thinks partial birth abortion should be legal and pro-life Republicans lined up to follow him as he paraded through town, and then they voted for him. 

This is a man who wants to commit a war crime and kill the wives and children of enemy soldiers and people declared "What beautiful clothes!" and then they voted for him.

This is a man who didn't want to renounce the KKK and their endorsement of his candidacy and yet people still showed up to cheer and vote for him. 

This is a man who categorized Mexicans as rapists, refused to apologize for it, and people voted for him.

This is a man who wants to "open up libel laws" not in the pursuit of truth and justice but so he can sue and "win lots of money" while doing who knows what to the First Amendment. And people voted for him. They cheered, commented on the lovely color and rich fabrics he was wearing, and then they voted for him.

This is a man who repeatedly says insulting things to and about women, making people laugh and then vote for him. 

We need to be the boy in the crowd who cries out, "But the Emperor is naked!" The behavior, actions, and plans of Donald Trump are not real clothes. 

Trump is not the savior of this country. I'm not Pollyanna and I know that not every president - and certainly not every politician - is a Washington or Lincoln. But just so we're clear, if you vote for Donald Trump you are supporting his wardrobe.

Don't associate with the man. I know he seems like this great candidate - an outsider, a man willing to go against the establishment - but he is a belittling, bigoted bully. You cannot support a man like this without becoming what he clearly is. Your emperor has no clothes on and it's time to face the ugly truth.



  1. I find this whole phenomenon so disturbing. At this point, you wouldnt feel safe bringing your child to see him. The language is the least of the problems, he stirs up the worst in people, and the anger and violence is bubbling right there at the surface. How can people think its appropriate to elect a man who you cannot show to your children?

  2. Totally agree! Loved this blog...well put.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Be aware that you can still vote in the elections without casting a vote for president. Of course, it is up to your own conscience and discernment who to vote for, but be aware that just because Hilary isn't Trump doesn't make her a suitable president. Her stance on abortion alone should cause anyone to shudder...

      Perhaps the best we can do is pray unceasingly for our nation in this election season, and hope that it won't come down to Hilary vs. Trump.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Bonnie, this is a fabulous post! I love how you draw from The Emperor's New Clothes-that story is so applicable in our lives today! Hopefully this will help shake some people out of their weird allusions so that they can see Trump for who he is. Thank you!

  5. Thank you! As an American living in Izmir, Turkey, I am mortified as I watch from afar. Having to explain to my Muslim Turkish friends (who are very peaceful, hardworking, moral people) that they might not be allowed to visit our country and see all it has to offer because our potential president wants to ban all Muslims was one of the most embarrassing days of my life. I have voted Democrat in the past, but I know there are many reasonable Republicans and Donald Trump is not one of them. I hope this blog post as well as many others will persuade voters today and in the future to reconsider their vote and realize that Donald Trump really is just naked.

    -Sarah at

  6. Thank you! Now if only everyone would listen to the little boy who speaks the truth!

  7. YES. You said this all so clearly - thank you!

  8. Between his tantrums and the way he brings out so much hatred in his followers, I increasingly believe that maybe Drumpf is the devil's answer to the Year of Mercy.

  9. Amen! I'm an independent voter, but I broke my own rule today and declared myself (gulp) as a Republican just so I could cast a vote other than for Trump. Seriously, I have no fondness for any politicians, but at this point is #anybodybutTrump. Personally, I think he's actually still a Hillary supporter like he has been for years and all of this insanity is an attempt to make sure Hillary gets elected.

    1. Thanks for breaking your rule to try and help overthrow Trump! I personally have enjoyed the fact that so many people-from all political affiliations-are trying to work together to stop him.

  10. *sad face* I seriously don't know who is voting for him!?? It's concerning and disturbing and a sad reflection of the turmoil that exists in our culture. So many prayers for all that is to come!

    1. Right?? I don't know ANYone who would consider voting for him im the primaries. And yet he continues to win states!

  11. THIS exactly! There is so much about him I can't believe people ignore (or like?) but primarily I cannot get over that he had a reality tv show (do people completely forget that? You're talking reality tv star, people! As our president!!) and utterly lacks decency and common courtesy.

  12. I don't know....I think a lot of people are seeing Trump as he is...and are agreeing with him?! Which is even more scary than cheering him on because of some facade that they are buying into. I really don't think Trump himself thought he would get this far -- I think it started as a publicity boost. It's so depressing :(


  14. Way to go! I cannot agree more. Never Trump.. I don't even know if I can stand to vote this election year because the two main candidates disgust me to no end. it's sad.

  15. Thank you for writing such a thoughtful piece so I can share what I've been thinking, but unable to eloquently put into words :) #DumpTrump

  16. PREACH IT. It's sad that I'd really rather Hilary be President at this point. What the heck, America. Go home, you're drunk!

  17. Since 54% of Catholics voted for Obama, I think maybe you should consider writing a counterpart article on Hillary and or Sanders. The fact that Trump is so popular is not due to him, it's the people supporting him. It's our society. And since a man like Obama received a majority of the catholic vote, maybe you should ask why so many of our bishops do not make an effort to teach the truths of our Faith, and therefore people, Catholic people, won't vote for someone like Ttrump, or Hillary, or in the past, Obama. It seems to me it's our own fault that these politicians are even out there. Society forms the paths politicians take, not the other way around.

    1. I totally agree! While a large majority of conservatives are being so vocal about Trump, Hillary continues to slink under the radar and collect votes from people (even in this combox!) who state they will vote for her over him. Let's not forget WHO AND WHAT Hillary states she will be as president. I wish there was more of an attempt to petition and plead with Americans (especially Catholics) not to vote for Hillary at all costs. If you cannot in good conscience vote for Trump either, then that is something you need to decide, but voting for Hillary just send a message is not acceptable. Just because Hillary doesn't have the same vulgar persona as Trump does not mean that she is a more desirable or respectable candidate for President.

  18. And that, to me, is the scarier issue....over half of so-called Catholics vote for pro-abortion candidates and everyone is more concerned with Trump's manners.

  19. Well, we've talked about this before Bonnie...but this really brings it home:
    << You cannot support a man like this without becoming what he clearly is. >>>

    Thank you for this...excellent.
    God bless

  20. You said it. He's a bully. A narcissistic, naked bully.

  21. Reading all of these comments a tragic 11 months later. And now Congress is joining in the praises of his wardrobe, and he's spending our tax money (and the good reputation of our country) to finance more of the same.
