November 10, 2014

Home Tour: Bedrooms!

I love our new home.

From time to time the kids will still ask about our old house, and we have driven past it a few times since we've moved away, but for the most part there is just too much to love about our new home to miss our old one. 

I've already shown you the outside and entryway and the living and dining room we use for a playroom, and now it's time for the bedrooms. All of them need new carpet but that's just not in the budget and it's a pretty low priority for us. So please excuse the ugly carpet and enjoy the Befores, Afters, and Actuals I have to show you.

First up: the Boys' room. When we bought the house, the boys' room looked like this:
Pink and very, very feminine. 

Now it looks like this: 

Ben's favorite color is yellow so he loves this room. JF' dresser is housed in the closet, Ben's dresser sits in the corner, and the bunk bed is next to it. The other side of the room looks like this: 
JP's crib and dresser. The swivel rocker, which sits next to the head of the bunk beds, still gets used since JP still occasionally wakes up at night. The train picture is actually a rug my grandpa made when I was a little girl, while he was recovering from surgery. There was a time when I thought it was hideous but now I love it. My boys love trains and I love the nostalgia.

Tied with the train rug for my favorite thing in the room this crucifix. It hangs to the right of the boys' closet, it can be seen from all the beds, and it's just gorgeous.

But here's how the room actually looks, pretty much all the time:

Next up: the Girls' room!
Behold the ugly!

And after: 

L picked out this pink and I don't really like it. I'm thinking about doing an ombre paint job on the long wall on the left of this picture. We have some of the pink left and I thought I'd mix it with white for a lighter pink and then have the top half of the wall white, with it fading into the middle color and then fading into the pink. Who knows if it'll actually get done.

We actually bought the girls' bunk bed at our new neighbor's garage sale before we had closed on the house. They are in awesome condition. L and Resa sleep up top and Ben and JF sleep on the bottom every night. We've tried having the boys sleep in their room but they would usually wake JP up when they'd inevitably get up in the middle of the night to crawl into our bed. It's just easier this way.

The crucifix in the girls' room is also special to me. I've had it since I was a teenager. It was my grandmother's, the woman I am named after.

Usually the room looks like this, but way, way worse. L is even worse than Ben at putting clothes away.

And finally, our room.
Pretty plain and simple. The paint was actually more of a powder blue and we didn't love it. We ended up painting it a darker shade of blue, although you can't really tell from these pictures. 

Here's what you see right when you walk in the room. The door to the teeny tiny master bath is to the right of this dresser. 

The Jude Landry Makers Gonna Make print hangs to the left of the window that's shown in the above picture. The cross was a gift from one of Travis' former students. She gave it to our whole family the year JF was born. It's not a crucifix but it's lovely.

That would be Travis' dresser. It looks a little bit nicer in person, but not by much. It serves it's purpose.

The view from my side of the bed. That box to the left of my dresser still has not been unpacked from when we moved. I'm thinking of just putting it and everything in it at the curb on garbage day but then I'd have no where to throw my clothes when I change into my pj's at the end of the day.
The Mother Teresa print was given to Resa by her godparents but I hijacked it because it just looks so, so nice hanging in our room. 

But really, this is what the room actually looks like a lot of the time. I've been trying to be really good about making our bed most days but I'm probably only doing it 4 out of the 7 days in a week.
Also, please note that our bed is literally propped up by our fireproof safe. If I need to get a birth certificate or passport I need someone to lift the mattress and box spring while I pull the safe out. Because we're classy.

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  1. Oh, I love this tour. Trying to *finally*put up pictures and wall art in the boys room and the guest room! Inspiration is always helpful! Hubby said today after he gets home from work we are hanging up all. the. things. and making what we have, work! :)

  2. Love the room tours. I especially like the mention of the crucifixes-great stories behind them. And the bed being propped up by the safe...home security. No one will be able to get to the safe without waking you first!
