November 13, 2014

A little gift for Minnesota readers and some Best of the Web

Friday and Saturday I'll be speaking in Minnesota and I have a special gift for any A Knotted Life readers who come to hear me. :)

On Friday, November 14th I'll be the keynote speaker at the Holy Spirit Academy's 2nd annual Harvest Banquet in Rogers, MN.

On Saturday, November 15th I'll be speaking at St. Michael's Morning of Renewal. The event begins at 8am with Mass and ends at 11am. There will be light refreshments, time for confession, and I will be sharing the story of JF's alleged miracle, the reasons I love Venerable Sheen so much, and I'll speak about the canonization process. There's no need to register so you can just show up! A free will offering will be taken with all the proceeds benefiting Holy Spirit Academy.

If you live in the area I hope we can meet! Be sure to tell me if you read my blog so I can give you your gift and if you're a blogger please tell me the name of your blog, too! Sometimes I'm horrible with names so the more help you can give me the better.

And in the meantime, here's some Best of the Web reads. Please say a prayer for safe travels for me and then enjoy these articles.

Intolerable Pain, Unfathomable Joy by Melody Lyons at Catholic Exchange

When NFP Is Hard to Swallow by Jenny at Mama Needs Coffee

While You Were Out from Verily

Where Are All the Good Stories About Marriage? from Christianity Today

That One Time I Accidentally Chopped Off All My Hair by Deme at House for Five

Being Absent and Being Fully Present by Calah at Barefoot and Pregnant

Walking Light and Carrying Little by Ashley at Narrative Heiress

About by Elizabeth at Super Swell Times (Yes, I did just link to an About page - but it's so well done!)

If you're new here, stick around! You can follow A Knotted Life on Bloglovin' or Feedly.
Plus, I'd love to connect with you. You can find me on InstagramPinterest, and Facebook. I hope to "meet" you soon!


  1. Oh boo! We're having family portraits taken during the time of your event on Saturday morning. Bummer, I was hoping to meet you in real life!

  2. Safe travels and thanks for the reading recommendations.

  3. I am going to try to make it on Saturday morning! Would love to meet you, been a fangirl of your blog for awhile now!

  4. An announcement of your event was on Relevant Radio the other day. I wish I was closer to Rogers/ St Michael- but with working Friday and a baby shower on Saturday I couldn't go. :(
