October 14, 2014

What to do with Mom Hair?

A lot of women I know chopped their hair off the moment they became a mom.

Not me. My husband prefers my hair long, and so do I really. But I still like having my hair out of my face and off my neck as I change diapers, wash dishes, play on the floor, and snuggle my kiddos. Top knot buns, French twists, various braids, messy buns - these have become some of my favorite ways to wear my hair as I've searched for ways to keep my hair back but not resort to a standard ponytail day after day.

I was delighted then, when my friend Mandi introduced me to one of her favorite things; Lilla Rose flexi bands. After snooping around her her site for a bit I saw there were so many ways I could change up the looks I'm already doing and I knew I wanted to try it.

Folks, I've love it. The one I picked out is simple, elegant, pretty, incredibly well made, and incredibly versatile. I've worn it on schleppy days and on put-together days. I've worn it to school pick up, Mass, weddings, and the grocery store. I've used it as a giant bobbi pin, as a ponytail holder, and even as an accent near a bun. Too cute.

Now if I could just learn to French braid my own hair...

So I'm wondering: Did you cut your hair short when you had kids? And if you still have long or longish hair how do you like to wear it? 

Also, can we all say a collective "ugh!" for the postpartum bald spots? 

PS - You can check out all the Lilla Rose flexi styles here and if you'd like to get in touch with Mandi you can visit (and Like!) her Facebook page and get some inspiration on Instagram.

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  1. First time commenting here! Thank you for this post!!! I'm a new mom, just now beginning to experience the joys of post partum hair loss...saw my first baldish spot in the mirror yesterday. :-( I too have long hair that I am not interested in cutting, but I desperately need something besides my standard daily ponytail. Will have to check these out!!

    1. Hi Jen! Thanks for commenting! Finding the first bald spot is always a blow, and my kids have come so closely together that my bald spots haven't been filled for over 6 years.

      Mandi was really helpful when I ordered mine so I'm sure she'll help you pick out a perfect one, too.

  2. Love flexis! I found some great headbands that stay put, so the flexis and the new headbands are helping break up the ponytails :)

  3. My husband prefers long hair, too; I prefer super short (think Mia Farrow in Rosemary's Baby). So I have gone from hair down to my shoulder blades, to a super easy yet chic bob (before our first was born through the birth of our second), to a shaggy .... I don't know WHAT that hairstyle was besides a fail ... to long before, during, and after our third, to a Mia (so easy! so cute! so little time spent on it in the morning but looking professional and put-together!) after I went back to work full-time after 5 years of SAHM-ing 😞, back to a bob, on my way towards long again. That covers the 11 years we've been married.
    The best thing about hair is that it grows back.

    1. The symbol after "SAHM-ing" was a sad emoticon to symbolize my sorrow at having to work ... however, I also am grateful for my job. It's perfect for my skill set, with lovely people, pays well, good benefits, and we needed that. God really led me right to it. And our Three are with my m-i-l, not strangers! God is good.

    2. God IS good, Mitzi! I'm so happy for you that you're in a good spot work wise.

      And I think you've got the face to pull off short hair. You look cute!

    3. Well, thanks! That is a very sweet and unexpected compliment. The best kind of all! You made my day!

  4. After I started having babies, my hair really thinned out. I go back and forth between a pixie and shoulder length. For me bangs are a must, they give me more volume and softens my features. I like my hair short, a pixie is my favorite. I can't stand hair when I'm hot and sweaty. My husband doesn't care what I do...he says he's bald so what does he know about hair!

    1. That is so funny about your husband! Mine is bald, too, but he prefers my hair long - I tease him that he's living vicariously through my scalp.

  5. I think long hair is actually easier - my husband can trim it at home instead of me having to go to the hairdresser, you can pull it up or leave it long, and I don't have to mess with bangs. Plus, I'm currently too heavy to pull off short hair :( I'm experiencing the hair loss too - the brush is so full when I finishing combing. Mine doesn't show up in a patch but my part is more...partish?

  6. My whole life I've gone between an above-the-shoulder (but usually longer than chin-length) bob followed by a longer layered style, til it gets a few inches longer than my shoulders - then I repeat with a bob and grow it out. (The few times I've tried to grow it even longer my fine hair just breaks. I have a weird combo of thick-but-fine and very wavy-to-curly hair.) This time, my third pregnancy (um 2 days overdue, prayers welcome thanks), I had the STRONG urge to CHOP my hair - like, short. My ears stick out a bit so I needed to cover them, but otherwise, I just wanted it off my neck. I resisted at first but looked up short wavy bobs and went in June for a free cut as a hair model, but was a little timid in telling him I didn't want it up to my ears and he was very generous with the length - it didn't feel short enough to satisfy me very long. Then early Sept hit and the urge was back - GET MY HAIR OFF MY NECK! :) So I went for a cut, this time I asked for it a bit shorter, but it was like she didn't totally believe me :) I love the cut and it did satisfy for a few weeks, but now it's getting a lot closer to my shoulders and I'm ready for a trim. Just so funny to me that it took 3 kids to hit this place where I am ready to just have short hair. Side note- I actually think once you go shorter than pony-tail length, hair can be MORE work because it requires (in my crazy wavy case at least) a daily blowdry, though the drying time is much shorter. In the summer if I have long hair and can just pull it back wet, that's super fast. But I do love the feeling of short hair and the way it looks on my face too. It definitely needs more frequent cutting to keep it in shape. (Maybe post-pregnancy not so much.) We'll see what nursing does to this style...lol.

    1. Having to go to the hairdresser over and over again is a big reason why I don't keep a short cut. I get my hair trimmed about once every 6-9 months though I'll admit that at this point in my life it should be more frequently.

  7. I have always had short hair- but I find myself growing it longer now! I will never get it past my shoulders because I'm not patient, and really because I'm a short hair kind of girl. As you probably see all over my instagram and facebook page, I am obsessed with sport bands because I can make them to match whatever I want. In fact, I've started wearing more headbands. Not sure if Bryon likes it, but it allows me to keep my hair out of my face while cleaning, crafting, and working out. I still always keep my hair down for work, but I will do something fancy with a bobby pin and my bangs ever now and then. :)

  8. I go back and forth with short and longer hair. Right now it's short. I have a feeling I'm keeping it that way for awhile because -- I have to say that the older I have gotten the better and more put-together I look with a short hairstyle. The long hair was drawing my facial features and aging me by about 10 years and once I hit 40....I really started hating my long hair. Of course, coloring it and keeping it short was a two-pronged approach to looking a bit younger. :)

    I toy with the idea of continuing to color it and growing it out with a layered style. I don't know. I'm still enjoying my short, curly look, so for now...I'm keeping it short. But give me a year and I might have grown it back out to my shoulders. :)

  9. I keep mine long and wear it up some days and down some days. I like it long, I only have to wash it every three days or so.

    1. Ditto on the hair washing. I wash the top of my head / bangs every day but the rest of my hair only gets washed one or two times a week.

  10. I've never noticed bald spots but the PP hair loss has been awful for me. I'm convinced that you lose the same amount of hair no matter how long you're pregnant. I've had awful hair loss after my miscarriages but not the nine months of awesome hair growth before them, so my hair is currently the thinnest it has ever been (and I've never had much hair to begin with). If it tells you anything, I can do a full ponytail in an extra small Flexi and half-up with a mini!

  11. what a good idea! I go cyclical with my hair length, grow it out...chop it off. I am currently in a grow out phase where I am going au naturale in texture...and color. The color part is new territory for me, since I have been high lighting or messing with my hair since I was about 13! And yes...I have grays.
    My son is at that 'octopus arms' stage of babyhood, so Im having to put my hair up or get snatched bald! This looks like a nice way to keep it up and look like its totally on purpose ;)

  12. My hair is super long. Nearly hip length. I've been considering trying the flexis, but I may have too much hair.

    I wear mine in a knot with a hair stick most days. Two variants: braid knot and plain knot. I sometimes do a braid bun and occasionally pigtail buns. Trying to learn to do a milkmaid braid.

    1. Not too much hair! I have seen pictures of women with hair past their butts who use a mega for a bun! Let me know if you need sizing help!

    2. I have really long hair, too (although unaffected by mom stuff because I have no children), and I have recently come to love the milkmaid braid. It's so easy that I can't believe I never tried it before. Verily made a great video showing it off at: verilymag.com/how-to-milkmaid-braid-your-hair-video-tutorial/

  13. What about for crazy thick hair? Because that thing is gorgeous and I am tired of the ponytail/messy bun I've been sporting for almost 3 years now!!!

    1. The Flexi works with all hair types, there are seven sizes so you would just need some of the larger ones - medium for ponytail most likely, extra larg for updos. Let me know if you need sizing help!
