October 3, 2014

7QT - steak pie, an ugly chicken, and walkers

I don't mean to be a jerk, I just always forget to link back to Jennifer. Sorry! A thousand apologies. Thank you for hosting, Jen!

1 - This song is good for my heart.

2 - For dinner last night I made steak pie with neeps and tatties. Travis and I ate it on our Scottish honeymoon and loved it. Last night's meal was free of soy, wheat, egg, and dairy, and it it just didn't taste as great as it could have.

3 - So what I'm really saying is: I need a good soy, wheat, egg, and dairy free pie crust recipe. If you can help please leave a recipe or a link in the combox.

4 - Look what I found in the Target dollar bin!
The cute sign! It's so cute! Which, consider this a little sample of something coming next week on the blog. 

5 - Have I ever shown you the ugly chicken thing that was left at our hold house? I was oddly attracted to it and kept it, even bringing it to our new house. It's still a little ugly; and now it hangs in our dining room.

6 - I love this picture of JP, drinking from a straw, like a BOSS.

7 - Now that the last season of The Walking Dead is on Netflix Travis and I are making our way through season 4. Last night they lost the prison and just about everyone died.

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  1. 7. AHHHHHHHH 1.5 weeks till the season premier! We are having a party and opening our house to many of our cable-less friends. You are welcome to join. Just sayin'

  2. Loved the song so much I shared it. I have had big time dinner fails before, I am absolutely no help with the piecrust issue, I am going to Target today so I can be just like you :), I love the chicken on the blue wall, Joseph is getting so big, and we are also waiting impatiently for Walking Dead's new season to start. I promise I am not stalking you...

    1. lol! I love your comments, Deborah! :) Have fun at Target!

  3. Replies
    1. Neeps are turnips and tatties are potatoes. Boil and mash them both. When I had them in Scotland they were in separate mounds on my plate (along with a mound of boiled, mashed carrots) but I just boiled and mashed them together. Yum-o. And the kids were more excited about them because neeps and tatties sounds better than turnips and potatoes. :)

  4. We are at the same place in the season 4 binge as you are. Rough episode.

    1. I know everything that's going to happen because otherwise I can't take the suspense and gore and it was STILL a tough night.

  5. I love your QT... so random!! Just my style these days... About the pie crust, do you do almond flour? I made an almond flour crust during our Whole30 for quiche which was really good... It did have an egg in it, but I am googling and there are a few options coming up which are eggless coming up, like this one http://www.scdrecipe.com/recipes-pie/eggfree-dairyfree-pie-crust/ (to make it dairy free you could use ghee, coconut oil, or crisco? maybe?) Sorry, maybe I am not very helpful, I just want you to have a damn good pie next time!!!!

  6. Double Flakey Pie Crust

    I have made this and other have had it so I can say that it was a hit! It is free of the top 8 allergies so it includes soy, egg, wheat and dairy

    3 cup of Gluten Free Flour
    3 Tablespoons of Confectioners sugar
    1 1/2 teaspoons xanthan gun (some gluten free flour some with this now so be sure to check if it does you don't need to add it. If it does not you do)
    3/4 teaspoon salt
    1 1/4 cup dairy free. soy free vegetable shortening (I find mine at Hy-vee)
    4 1/2 teaspoon Ener-G egg replacer mixed with 6 tablespoons rice milk (also can find at hy-vee or on Amazon)
    2 Tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice or the stuff in the bottle if you are me...
    1 Tablespoon rice milk to brush on top of crust
    1 tablespoon granulated suger to springing over pie

    Whisk flour confectioners sugar, xanthan gum and salt. Add shortening in tablespoon size pieces and mix on medium speed until you have coarse meal, about 1 min. Add egg replacer and lemon juice and mix until combined should start to ball in center.

    Divide dough in half and in ball. Set one aside. Place other on parchment paper. Flatten into a disk. (Make sure to place paper on top as well) roll out 1/4 inch think about 2 inches wider than your pie dish. Grease 9 inch pie dish lightly with vegetable oil. Flip the crust into dish pressing down along edges and trim extra. Roll out second like you did with the first for covering.

    Hope it helps!

  7. "Good to Me" is just so great. Praise!

  8. You went to Scotland on your honeymoon? How cool is that?? We had the most wonderful steak pies (they were award-winning actually) in Bridge of Alan and I've been haunted by them ever since!

    These days I've taken to making crust-less pies most of the time. I'd probably put the mashed neeps and tatties on top of the steak filling to make a shepherd's pie type thing.

    But that being said, I'm always on the lookout for a decent grain free pie crust.

    There's a new magazine coming out called Gluten Free Forever and this is their pie crust recipe (I haven't tried it but I plan to). You could substitute non-dairy butter like earth balance for the butter, and I guess if you don't have the various flours/starches you could use 175 grams of gluten free flour blend:


    * 1/2 cup (60 grams) brown rice flour, plus more for rolling the dough
    * 1/3 cup (34 grams) tapioca starch
    * 1/3 cup (48 grams) potato starch (not potato flour)
    * 1/4 cup (34 grams) sweet rice flour
    * 1 tablespoon sugar
    * 1 teaspoon xanthan gum
    * 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
    * 1/2 cup (4 ounces/1 stick) cold, unsalted butter, diced
    * 1 1/2 tablespoons sour cream, or 2 tablespoons ice water (for vegan)
    * 1 1/2 tablespoons rice vinegar


    1. In a medium bowl or food processor, mix together the brown rice flour, the tapioca starch, potato starch, sweet rice flour, sugar, xanthan gum, and salt. Cut in the butter with a pastry blender or a fork until it forms pea-size pieces. Add the sour cream and rice vinegar and combine with your hands.

    2. Turn the dough out onto the counter and knead gently. If it seems dry, add 1 teaspoon of cold water at a time and knead the dough until it’s smooth.

    3. Sprinkle a sheet of parchment paper with brown rice flour. Flatten the dough into a disk on the paper. Sprinkle it with a little more brown rice flour and roll it out until the dough is 11 to 12 inches in diameter.

    4. Invert a 9-inch pie plate on top of the dough. Slip one hand under the parchment paper while holding the pie plate with the other hand. Carefully flip the whole thing over so the dough is on the pie plate.

    5. Carefully peel off the paper while easing the dough into the plate. Gently press the dough into the pie plate, press any cracks together, and trim the edges of the dough so they just reach the edge of the pie plate. (You can use the trimmings to patch any breaks.)

    6. To create a decorative edge, make a pattern with a spoon or fork; if the spoon sticks to the dough, dip it in GF flour before each use. Prick the crust with a fork on the bottom and partway up the sides. Use the piecrust or freeze it, wrapped well in plastic wrap, for future use.

    - nancyo

  9. I am oddly attracted to that ugly chicken, too, and I don't know why.

  10. I'm glad you explained what neeps and tatties were in the comments. It sounded like something TMZ would report - "See the starts and their latest neeps and tattie mishaps.." ;-) Glad you are enjoying Walking Dead but I can't stand knowing what's going to happen. I don't mind a tease but I love the anticipation and drama and inevitable, "NOOOOOOO!!!!!" But that's just me. ;-)
