August 21, 2014

Finally! A new Knot Bad Video: Easy Adoration

The whole reason I make my Knot Bad Videos is to help people live liturgically - to bring the seasons of the Church into their homes and the every day lives of their families. I especially want to help people who are are just starting out but don't know where to begin.

Maybe that's you.

Maybe you are beginning RCIA so you can join the Church this Easter Vigil (that is so cool!) and you feel like you have so much to learn. So, so much.

Maybe you are a cradle Catholic but you're just now beginning to take your faith seriously. You kinda sorta know what to do but you're not sure exactly what and you really don't know the why or how.

Maybe you're someone who is looking for ideas but has been overwhelmed by Pinterest and other websites. Well, look no further because I have some bare bones ideas here, folks!

In this video I cover some basics like how to make the sign of the cross and how to genuflect. I also share some ways that I work Eucharistic Adoration into my busy life with little kids. If you're not used to making a Holy Hour, well I've got some tricks to hopefully make it less intimidating for you too.

The liturgical season of Ordinary Time, which we are now in, is the time to grow. Here's hoping this video will help us all do just that.

You can see all my Knot Bad Videos here.


  1. That's IT?!!! THAT was awesome!! Thank you, dear! I will be pinning and showing my children! (Yes, it has a bigger impact when someone else says it!!) God bless you! - Vieve

  2. This is a great video on an important topic, but what is the name of the blue color on your wall? :D I love it!

  3. This is a great idea!! We just joined this past Easter and RCIA never covered things like how to make the sign of the cross or how to genuflect. I eventual learned by watching others, but it took a long time to feel confident bc I'd never been explicitly taught. Love that you're covering stuff like that!

  4. Bonnie- you're a natural on video. Highlights- the kids waving at Jesus, and you driving by the church! Ha!

  5. That was amazing! I didn't know the specifics about finger position during the Sign of the Cross, or why we genuflect on the right knee and use our right hands. This was lovely.

  6. This was great, Bonnie!! Loved it. Loved the drive-by, too. lol
