June 11, 2014

My Favorite Tithes

When it's time to give our ten percent there's a few places we love supporting with our money and prayers. For us, the top five are:

FOCUS (The Fellowship of Catholic University Students)
We support our friend Joanna and we strongly believe in the amazing things she's doing in the lives of college students.

Catholic Answers
We listen on our local EWTN radio station and we love the magazine. We really appreciate the insightful formation that is offered with charity and intelligence.

The Sheen Foundation
We love Venerable Fulton Sheen and we strongly believe that his example is needed in today's culture.

Sisters of Life
The Sisters of Life are amazing and the work they do to build up the culture of life is beautiful and filled with joy and love.

our local parish
Spiritually, intellectually, and literally our local parish feeds me and my family. With Mass, adoration, Bible studies, confession, the parish school, potlucks and parties: our parishes old and new have taken care of us and so we want to do our part to take care of it.

What about you? Who or what do you love to give your tithe to? If you have a favorite I'd love to hear about it and the reason why you love it.


  1. We tithe mostly to our parish, but every once in a while, I love to give money anonymously to a family in need that wouldn't get any help otherwise. It makes me feel so good, and people have helped us out in the past so I know how appreciated it is!

  2. With you already on FOCUS and the Sisters of Life! And of course, the parish. I do like also being able to give a good contribution to our Bishop's appeal too since the programs it supports are so good, and then probably a local Crisis Pregnancy Center and/or an overseas something or other where the money goes directly into missionary work and/or food/water projects for the community, but I have not found one go-to yet.

    1. Maybe Catholic Relief Services? We give to them, too and love their Operation Rice Bowl every Lent.

  3. For us it's our parish, our diocesan Cath Charities (helping the poor is a priority), The Institute of Catholic Culture, and our widdle tiny Cath liberal arts alma mater. Also, from time to time as we are able, anonymously to families in need and our local CPC.

  4. We give to Waterleaf Center in Aurora. It's the pregnancy center that is located near the biggest planned parenthood in the Midwest (in Aurora). We also give to Marmion.

  5. We sponsor kids right around the same age as our kids through CFCA (now known as Unbound). We also donate to our own parish and to the local pregnancy center.

  6. This is a great 5 favorites, Bonnie. Love this post.

  7. Awesome!
    AND can't wait to hear you in Indy at Theology on Tap in a couple of weeks (I might have to be annoying and hang out with you at my parent's as well!)
