March 20, 2014

7 really truly Quick Takes

This week I'm keeping them short and sweet.
Thank you, Jen for hosting this weekly party!

1 - One song I would add to Abbey's Lenten playlist is Audrey Assad's I Shall Not Want.

2 - Have you watched the 7 Keys to the New Evangelization by Fr. Robert Barron.

3 - Jenny shared The Gift of Life by Bishop Conley of Nebraska, and I thought it was well worth the read.

4 - Sarah at An Inviting Home doesn't fold her kids' laundry and learning that is an option changed my life forever.

5 - Maybe I'm mean, but I was really happy to have someone talk about megachurch pastors' salaries (and their "Walter White problem" )because people are always pickin' on the Catholics.

6 - Simcha interviewed me for OSV and I told her what I thought of Fulton Sheen the first time I saw him on television. It wasn't very nice but I was an immature college (high school?) student.

7 - Molly discusses why that HuffPo article about taking the holidays down a notch missed the mark.


  1. Most importantly, did you know that Audrey has a free live EP of some of the songs from Fortunate Fall on Noise Trade?

  2. Aww thanks for the love Bonnie!

  3. Bonnie, I'm so happy you mentioned the Audrey Assad song - that is one of my absolute favorites!! Happy Friday! :)

  4. I love #4..because I have never, ever, ever, folded my kids laundry (okay or my own either) and know I know that I'm not the only one.

  5. I didn't like the Huffington Post article because like, as much as it is hard for parents to hear, if you don't like, tell your kids no and move on. It seemed really whiney. She's an adult, she doesn't have to provide anything for her kids that she doesn't want to. But, I am not really sure how cool it is to bemoan other parents for choosing to. BTW- this is coming from a very low key celebrator in any sense of the word (secular and liturgical).
    I don't fold laundry either. I might when they are older, then again, they can fold their own at that point. It goes in piles and in drawers.
    I thought the Walter White article was spot on.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. I really wanted to ask her - why are you doing your kids homework projects anyways? If they didn't want to stick 100 things on a crown then they could go to school with an incomplete project... in my humble opinion. ;)

    2. I didn't even think of either of those points but you are both SPOT ON!

  6. That article about the megachurch pastors is so interesting! Our priest's salary is disclosed in the financial report and would be considered just under the poverty line here in Canada. It would be so weird for him to go to a mansion with a 5 car garage after Mass! Sounds like a bit of a mess if you ask me.

  7. Great links! I can't wait to read your article next!

  8. Some really great links, Bonnie. And of my favorites - so beautiful and so challenging. I admit, it always shakes me up a little.

  9. Go Nebraska Bishop! (I live in NE ;))

    And that article on not folding your kids laundry - life changing. seriously.

  10. Oh that song is beautiful, thanks for sharing!
    Totally agree on the laundry. It saves so much time to not fold the little clothes (ok, and some of my own!) and no one is the wiser :)
    Loved your interview with Simcha!

  11. Regarding laundry- Maria (8 years old) folds pretty much all the laundry and has been for nearly a year. I am her helper now, instead of the other way around. I sometimes ask her 6 year old or 4 year old sister to help.
    Also, I only put away laundry for Mark and me. The two big girls are each responsible for the one of the two little boys. Middle sister puts away her own. 3 year old brother is being taught by biggest sister to put away his.
    You'll have more helpers when your kiddos get a bit older. But, I know laundry can be a huge mountain of a job!

  12. #5: Believe me, you're not the only one who is happy that people are talking about it. The amount for which Joel Osteen bought the Compaq Center in Houston (which is now Lakewood Church) could easily eradicate world hunger and that's not even getting into his personal salary!

  13. I love that Audrey Assad too, one of my favs!!

  14. Consider it done, Bonnie- and thanks for linking to the playlist!
