March 12, 2012

unable to communicate - so laugh

My introverted self is waaaay over stimulated after this past, glorious weekend.  Behold was fantastic, and I'm still processing everything.  I have pretty much retreated, and since I don't even have any pictures to post I'll show you this, The Fresh Prince of Downton Abbey.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Hat tip to Lisa for sharing the goodness with me in the first place.


  1. I've heard so many wonderful things, Bonnie. Definitely fabulous these things you're doing! (also I need a nap. Can you tell?)

  2. Totally worth sitting through the series just for that clip!

    And hurry and get de-stimulated! Some of us who didn't get to go to the conference are anxiously awaiting all the posts from bloggers who did!
