February 6, 2012

upcoming speaking engagements

I'm really excited about two upcoming opportunities to share JF's story.

The first will be a Lenten "Time for Reflection" hosted by the Altar & Rosary Society at Immaculate Conception in Lacon, IL on Saturday, March 3rd.  The day will begin at 9am and will include Mass, several talks, Stations of the Cross, confessions, and brunch.  The registration fee is $10.  Contact Francis Nevitt at 309-246-5145 to register.  You can pay at the door or mail a check, marked "registration fee" to
Immaculate Conception Alter & Rosary Society
418 North Center St.
Lacon, IL 61540
The second will be a parish event hosted by the youth group at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Springfield, IL.  Following the 5pm Mass on Sunday, March 25th I'll be speaking in the Atrium.  There is no fee to attend and the event is open to the public.

At both events I will share the story of my stillborn son's alleged miraculous healing through the intercession of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen.  I will also give a layman's summary of the process for canonization and share my impressions of the tribunal. 

In sincerly hope you will be able to join us at these two great events!

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