February 19, 2012

Special for Pete's sake

Two families in the Peoria area are grieving the loss of their baby girls.
Teresa L. is currently in labor with Gianna Therese, who has passed away from anencephaly. Please keep Mike, Teresa, Ben, and Charlie in your prayers.
Pamela B. delivered Elizabeth Marie last night, who passed away from placenta abruption. Please keep Mark, Pamela, Katherine, Matthew, and Lucy in your prayers. 
Tomorrow, Monday, February 20th from 8-9pm, there will be a Holy Hour of Adoration and Rosary for the families at St. Philomena Church in Peoria . Please join us for part or all of the hour as we lift up these families in prayer and adore our Lord.

On the 15th of each month (when I remember - this month I'm 4 days late) I collect prayer intentions that are related to the loss of a child or infertility.  I do this to honor my son, Peter Mark, who was miscarried and whose due date was January 15th.

If you would like to leave a prayer request in the comment box I would be honored to pray for you and your intention.  You can leave as much or as little information as you wish.

Please join me in praying for the families of Gianna and Elizabeth.


  1. Thank you for posting this. All I can do is pray. I can't wrap my mind around this.

  2. Please pray for our son Ambrose whom I miscarried at 11 weeks. It was our first pregnancy (we got pregnant 2 weeks after the wedding) and I am scared we won't be able to have another.

  3. Magdalena, Congratulations on your wedding and your motherhood.

    Of course I know nothing about your circumstances but I completely understand your fear of not being able to ever hold a happy baby in your arms. I will definitely pray for you.

    My condolences on the loss of your first child.

  4. Bonnie!

    Please feel free to not publish this --- I just wanted to let you know:

    While living in Syracuse, a beautiful, devout friend there gave birth to a stillborn daughter. She was struggling with a lack of peer group...no one she knew had been through this, and people she met who HAD weren't Catholic, Christian, or even theists. No one could share her perspective. I was limited in sharing her experience, but after fasting & praying, I (suddenly...sorry) thought of YOU! And this BLOG! *facepalm*

    She came here (and is too shy to contact you directly!) and found solace in your experience & other bloggers who you've recommended.

    As Lent begins, I'm hoping to be able to thank people who've impacted my life (and those I love! ;D), no matter how indirectly or how distant the degrees. Thank you Bonnie, for helping my friend Susan, and so many others, and acting as a beacon for silly little engaged girls like me. :)

    As I am fasting & praying this next 40 days, please know that all six of you are in my prayers!


    Emily Crusen
