February 29, 2012

Behold Deadline

Hey ladies.

Just an fyi that if you plan on attending the Behold Conference but have not yet registered you have one day - TODAY! - to register and be guaranteed conference materials.  The deadline is March 1st and in this leap year you lucked out and have an extra day. 

Take advantage of it!  You will want the "conference materials" because what I'm really saying that you're getting are these:

Swag bags, baby, yeah!

Actually, those are the bags from last year and this year we'll have something just as nice and filled with all kinds of awesomeness.

So get online and REGISTER!  You will not want to miss this beautiful day!


  1. I took the "leap" and registered today! A random question, though!?! I signed up online via PayPal so all I gave Behold was my name and parish/city/state. I didn't receive any confirmation that I registered, but I definitely paid through Paypal. Should I call and double check that I'm registered? Thanks! I know that's random, but I thought you might know!

  2. Leanne,
    I'm so happy you're coming! How great! The person who answers the phone won't have access to that information. You should email registration@beholdconference.com and Laura will be able to help you. Thanks for asking!

  3. Hey Bonnie! I am a fellow Ignitum blogger and I'm so excited to attend Behold with a friend this weekend! I'll be sure to introduce myself. Can't wait!
