January 12, 2012

in case you needed another reason to come to the Behold Conference

I give you Meet the Bloggers:

Behold 2012 is embracing new media and highlighting the vibrant Catholic women’s blogosphere. We call it “Meet the Bloggers.”

Prominent Catholic women bloggers will be at the conference, available to meet Behold attendees and chat about their blogs, books and other topics. In addition, we’ll be brainstorming ideas with these new media women for how to incorporate blogging, podcasts and new media more fully into future years.

Confirmed bloggers include:
- Jennifer Fulwiler
- Hallie Lord
- Danielle Bean
- Sr. Helena Burns
- Mary Hasson
- Arwen Mosher
- Amy Bonaccorso
- Sarah Reinhard

Come on!  I know you want to come!  Register now - scholarships are available but the application deadline is approaching!

Go to www.beholdconference.com to find out more information and to register online!

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