January 26, 2012

7 quick takes

1 - I like David Crowder's voice.  A little raspy.  And then I like even more that it comes out of this thin little man with ridiculous hair.  There's been some buzz about DCB's newest album, mostly because the Protestant band's latest album is called Give Us Rest (A Requiem Mass in C - The Happiest of All Keys).  I don't know why people are so upset about them calling C the happiest of keys... 
Oh, or maybe because people are afraid he's going the way Rich Mullens and Audrey Assad went - to Rome.  Shoot.

2 - Do you listen to Relevant Radio?  Usually I don't - especially in the mornings.  But when I get a tip on a good show I like to dig around in the archives.  Today's Morning Air is one show I dug around for.  The second hour features Msgr Deptula from my Diocese talking about Archbishop Sheen.  The third hour features Kate Wicker talking about glorifying God with our bodies.  She also mentions the Behold Conference several times which is cool.  You can find the links here.

3 - Speaking again of the Behold Conference - let me just say it's amazing all the things that are coming together so wonderfully.  God's Hand is definitely guiding all of us through this process and it's such a blessing to be a part of it.  I sincerely hope you can join us.

4 - This picture is a little old but I wanted to share it with you.  Usually St. Nick only comes to our house on his feast day but this year, well, you can read for yourself:
In case you're wondering, St. Nicholas brought L this letter, some dress-up shoes, and some more gold coin chocolates. 

5 - In a related "parenting success" story, JF was wearing some pajamas that were a little too long.  As he walked around the living room L, who is 3 and 1/2, started singing, "Pants on the Ground."  I asked; she learned the song from me.  So proud.  *tear*

6 - Last night I slept for ten hours, having gone to bed at 8:30pm.  By 9:30am I was so tired I had to lay down.  I napped this afternoon.  And I'm still super tired.  I also have a cough.  Ugh.

7 - Lastly, I want to warmly welcome to the world Lucy Anne, who was born to our friends Michael and Susan on Wednesday and Elijah Nathan, born to our friends Margaret and Nathan.  I am so happy for our wonderful friends who have all just entered the lovely, crazy, beautiful world of parenthood!  Please join me in thanking God for Lucy and Elijah.


  1. Love the letter from St. Nick for encouragement!! What a fun idea! Congrats to DD for pooping on the potty as well.

  2. Thanks for the David Crowder link - my hubby was just telling me about the album, so it's great to hear it. I love how attractive truth is - in the form of music - and it's popularity is no surprise!

    As a funny aside, Audrey Assad's husband, Billy, used to live in the area and I once got in an argument with him about the dumbest thing, so now whenever they visit, I feel too sheepish to even say hello. Oh well. Lesson learned = sometimes it's ok to not vocalize opinions about the inappropriateness of skulls/crossbones on children's clothing. Oh shoot, did I mention it AGAIN?! yeah, still think it's inappropriate, but worth arguing about? probably not.

  3. Uh oh, Betsy. You will surely disapprove of my boys' pirate shirts then.
    It's not that I'm a fan of actual pirates but I did work in a pirate supply store during college and so I feel an affinity to the sanitized pirate-y things that are in the marketplace.
    Let's respectfully disagree and still be friends, shall we?

    And next time you see Billy you could say Hi and be all like, "Hey, remember when we majorly disagreed about pirates? Well, I learned about this pirate supply store in San Francisco called 826 Valencia. I thought you might like to check it out." And your relationship will be healed.


  4. Relevant Radio is #2 (of 2) things that I miss about living in Chicago. (#1 is the food.)

    Yay for Lydia!

    And I've been meaning to tell you re: you post on applesauce... You can also use canned pumpkin and mix it with applesauce and a dash of cinnamon. I'm not doing nearly as much homemade baby food as I did the first time around, but when stuff is already pureed and I just have to open a can, I have no excuse!

  5. I love the letter to St. Nick, so cute. I'd love to come to the Behold conference, but I don't know anyone else in the area (Indy) who can make it, and I hate driving long distances alone. Maybe next year!

    Have you heard the DCB album? It's pretty amazing. I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Ah Rome, sweet home. :)

  6. thanks for sharing the new DCB song...I very much like him, and have always thought that his lyrics were a bit, well, orthodox. Here's to conversion!

  7. Ok Bonnie, you've got a point. I don't see anything wrong with pirate stuff, including skulls&crossbones... but it looked so out of place at The Gap where he worked. There was no other pirate stuff, just really adorable baby/kid clothes...covered with skulls&crossbones?!

    It's like swimwear - appropriate in one setting, not so much in another. Well, that's my take on it, anyway. :)

    I'm sure he probably doesn't even remember the argument - or me, for that matter. Maybe I'll just wait until they have their first kid and give them a skull/crossbones gift (at which point he won't remember our argument and his poor wife will think I'm a sick person giving such things to a baby!)

    I bet the pirate store was a fun place to work!

  8. Man, I wish I was going to that conference. I have NEVER wanted to go to any of the "blogger" conferences. Truly. But this one is so different. So much more than that. And all my idols are going to be there! The alive ones, at least.

    Man. Ugh!

  9. I love your quick takes.

    You worked at a what?? That deserves its own post.

  10. You might also enjoy Fernando Ortega. His last two albums are derived from the Book of Common Prayer (he's Anglican) but they're songs that transcend the Catholic/Protestant divide.
