December 16, 2011

7 quick takes - the picture edition

My favorite version of this song!

This is what my kids look like when they see a train pass by our house.
Yes, I let her go out in public with her crown.
And we live on the Right side of the tracks!

Remember when we were interviewed for that documentary?
The director (with the grey scarf), camera man (obviously with the camera), and the sound guy came to the house and shot some photage of the kids playing. 
I baked them chocolate chip cookies which meant they hung out even longer.  So good tip - if a film crew is coming to your house have warm cookies waiting for them so you can chat them up.
They were wonderful, fascinating men and I hope I get to see them again.

Princess L on the phone.

My slippers were falling apart.  Then a kid puked on them  and there was no saving them - into the garbage they went.  I've been wearing Trav's Homer slippers, hoping that I'll get a new pair for Christams.  These slippers are obnoxiously big and thin on the botton. 
And I don't like having those four huge eyeballs looking up at me all the time.

Ben, whom we sometimes refer to as a raccoon, was quietly dumping things down the register vents when I wasn't around.
When Trav went to the basement to clean out the vents he found
- 4 small puzzles - 2 sippy cups -8 beads -1 pair of panties -2 socks -1 toy baby bottle -1 watch -1 small watering can -1 teething ring -1 small plastic cup

We don't have a fireplace and I've run out of room on the bookshelf for the stockings.  This year St. Nick filled our stockings that hung on the staircase. 
Where do you hang your stockings if you don't have a fireplace?

Ben is so cute!

So is JF!


  1. Glad I'm not the only mom that has kids that love to toss things down the vents. Our vents have a ledge just inside them that catches things, unfortunately, you have to be able to remove the vent covers to get there - which I can't do on some of them. Arg.

    Love the stockings on the stairs! Our living room has a small fake fireplace and lots of windows, so we've opted to hang the stockings from the curtain rods. It actually looks quite nice (I think).

    Maybe you've mentioned, but when will the documentary be available?

  2. I actually laughed out loud at #5.
    Cute, little guy.

    Such sweet children, you have!

  3. Thanks, Cynthia. I wish we lived closer so we could have playdates.

    Betsy, I'm glad to know my son isn't the only one! Do you have a pic of the stockings on the curtain rods? I'd love to see it.

    And the documentary will maybe air on PBS, maybe in Spring 2013.

  4. We don't have a fireplace either so we opted to hang our stocking on the window like Betsy said. We were going to do the staircase like you have, but our dog can get into them there.

    Also, your kids are adorable! :D

  5. When I was growing up we didn't have a fireplace and we ALWAYS hung our stockings on the stair case :) to me that was always the "normal" place to hang them. Now they are on a random wall since we don't have stairs or a fire place.

    Reliant K's 12 Days of Christmas is my favorite christmas song :) it's funny and cute at the same time.

    Is the documentary going to be on tv? I like to watch tv and be all I know that person!

  6. I found your blog through the Catholic Couponer and I'm so glad I did! I read your story, possibly on the Catholic reigster?, a couple days ago and was so astounded by your son's beautiful story!

  7. Our vent covers have grills with pretty small holes. My kids have spent hours trying to fit different stuff in them. On the second floor, when you look down the cold air return duct, you can currently see at the bottom: 6 spoons (which is why we are always short on spoons), a Rosary, several pens, some puzzle pieces, a magnetic alphabet letter, and assorted change. So that story made me laugh. I'm glad we're not the only ones.

  8. My husband has the same slippers, and they freak me out too! :)

  9. I'm fairly certain there are at least 3 Lightning McQueens in our vents somewhere. From before we caught on and then screwed our vent covers down!
