March 15, 2011

for Pete's sake

In honor of my first child, Peter Mark, who we lost to miscarriage, I would love to pray for your intentions that are related to infertility or the loss of a child.

Please leave your prayer intention - for yourself or someone you know - in the comment box. Commenters may leave their name or be anonymous. You may share as little or as much as you like. With great respect, dignity, and affection I would like to pray for you, your pain, your grief, and your hope.

I, of course, invite all those who comment or read the comments to join me in praying for one another.

Thank you for this privilege.


  1. Please continue to pray for us and for Anna that her birth father signs his surrenders and the adoption goes smoothly! And pray for the baby that we didn't get a few weeks ago! Thanks for all the prayers! James and Anna are the perfect examples of the power of prayer!

  2. For L and P-that they may get to the cause of their recurrent pregnancy loss and carry a baby to term.

  3. I would love your prayers :) Jake and I are trying to conceive, but I have many risks for infertility and miscarriage, with no definite solutions. Thanks!

  4. Please pray for my sister, Amy, and her family in remembrance of the loss of their second child, Addison. Thanks, Bonnie.

  5. For my sister C and her husband J.

  6. Please pray for my friends Jim and Marie. They have lost 2 of their 5 to a brain tumor 14 years ago, and another to suicide 3 years ago. I work with Marie, and sometimes I truly don't know how she keeps going, but I know prayers always help. Thanks so much, Bonnie!

  7. Please pray for my husband and I. It was been just over two months since we lost our precious first baby.

  8. Please pray for my friend D who's baby was found to have cysts on one of her kidneys. Her baby girl is due in May. Also please pray for my hairdresser T ( she did our hair for my wedding) she is pregnant with triplets (all natural!) and is 32 weeks along and so far doing great!

  9. Our friends in Illinois...
