Second: My third c-section is scheduled for tomorrow. I’m supposed to go in at noon with the surgery beginning at 2pm CST. I’m 37 weeks today but there’s enough complications combining with my birth and medical history that if we wait too long we could end up with things like uterine rupture or stillbirth.
I hate things with my back and so I’m not looking forward to the spinal and I feel afraid. Afraid of the surgery, afraid of complications that could happen to the baby, afraid of the pain. I’d like to shift my focus off of my fears and so I would be very grateful if you would share your prayer intentions with me – either in the combox, on FB, or on IG. Please help me to focus on you in dialogue with Jesus!

Third: Did you notice that things are nice and snazzy around here? I’ve been blogging on Blogger for twelve years and it’s been a good twelve years of simple and easy. But I’ve been wanting something a bit more… grown-up… for awhile and now seemed like a good time.
My friend Bryce Garber moved A Knotted Life over to here and was such a dream to work with. Meanwhile, my friend Val, a professional make-up artist, came to my house and did my make-up so our friend Kara from Kara Kamienski Photograph could take beautiful new headshots. I love all their work!
Fourth: We’ve been watching Masterpiece’s Les Miserables and we have been loving it! On Holy Saturday night Travis had to put a bike together while I filled Easter eggs. I asked if he would do it in the garage and he replied, “No. I think I’ll do it in here (family room). That way I can watch Les Mis and drink a beer while I do it.”
I cracked up and said, “The man I married would have *never* said that sentence!” And it’s true, you guys. Travis didn’t drink any alcohol when we married and would have opted to watch a Bourne movie for the 45th time over trying a period drama. Marriage has been good to Travis. 😉
And finally: I am looking to build a fun, new, driving-with-the-windows-down playlist and I would love your suggestions. Here’s what I’ve got so far:
Alright, friends, the next time I check back in here I’ll have a brand new baby to tell you about. Please don’t forget to give me song suggestions and prayer requests!
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