November 14, 2013

movies I want to see

What about you? What's on your "to watch" list?


  1. I just saw that Noah trailer. I'm a little troubled that it's "By the director of the Black Swan" but at least Russell Crowe doesn't appear to sing in it.

  2. Wow, I just unwittingly ended up on an atheist blog looking at a review for the Noah movie. It was amazing how much of the commentary and the com boxes were filled with bashing Christians - seems strange to expend so much energy on a God you don't believe in and a group you think is full of fools. I have hopes for the Noah movie but I read it's based on a graphic novel and has a sci-fi bent, so I hope the spirituality of the story isn't lost.

  3. The Book Thief was already on my radar, I can't wait for it. But thank you for the introduction to Noah. I hadn't seen this before, and I'm really looking forward to it now. Maleficent looks good too, and I'm sure my husband will be all over Lone Survivor.
    Thank you for sharing these!

  4. Call me a nerd, but I can't wait to see Disney's "Frozen." Or "Anchorman 2."

  5. We saw Thor and liked it better than the first one. We want to see Anchorman also. Nick is counting down the days until the next Hobbit movie. He goes without me to that one. I am really trying hard to like The Lord of the rings/ hobbit movies but I usually just fall asleep when I watch them.
