November 6, 2013

Eight Images That Tell You Everything You Need to Know About This Blog

Jennifer Fulwiler posted a hilarious list of the ten images that best represent her blog and what she writes about. She encouraged other bloggers to do the same. 

Challenge happily accepted.

I went through the pictures from ye olde blog and found the ones I thought were the best representations of what I write about. So here goes...

{ this and this are my two faves on this topic }

{ Not necessarily the ones above, but I do get geeky about things. Like Lost, Doctor Who, and Sherlock.}

{ and I love it and hate it }

Jen was right, it was a lot of fun to do this post. Let me know in the combox if you wrote one too.


  1. :) loved this on Jen's and on yours! I've been reading her a little longer, but I loved "knowing" basically all the references on each! You guys are both so great. Have a great day!

  2. I love all of these! I am going to do a post like this for tomorrow I think!

  3. Congratulations, I think you win first prize for who can get a reader to stay parked in front of your blog the longest! Had to read every post - could't stop! LOVED the story of your engagement/marriage journey thus far.

  4. Oh, Lord, Bonnie, I did a spit take in public when I read your nfp link. The description of peeing is so true. I had an 8#8oz baby and a 9# 4oz baby which is why, if I only see the toilet, I immediately start peeing.

    You are so funny.

  5. This was way fun to copy as a blog post, but I definitely needed your post from the first picture, on difficult times of mothering; thanks!

    (here's mine:
