October 23, 2013

Five Favorites

1 - Dial antibacterial hand soap White Tea and Vitamin E 

2 - Celebrating the feast of Blessed John Paul the Great
Why yes, I did put a holy card of JPII in the center of the table, warm up some pyrogies I found in the frozen food section of the grocery store, have the kids watch the auto-tuned Pope "sing" and call it good. 

3 - Cutting up the meat food before I cook it.
Maybe this was a no-brainer for a lot of you but I just realized in the last week that it's waaaaay easier to do meal time this way. When I'm trimming the chicken breasts I just go ahead and dice them. Instead of making sausage or hamburger patties I just plop it in the skillet and chop it up. The meat cooks faster and then I don't have to go around to each kids' plate and cut the food for them at meal time. 
Plus, leftover chicken can quickly be reheated and tossed on a salad for my lunch and the leftover burger can be mixed with some tomato sauce for an even quicker spaghetti dinner.

4  - Italian Nachos
We first had these at Old Chicago and they were awesome. We've since recreated them at home and it's pretty simple.
Line a baking sheet with foil and cover with tortilla chips. Place pepperonis, cooked Italian sausage, mozzarella cheese, and pepperocinis on top. Warm in oven until cheese is melted. Devour.

5 - This video on how to open a pomegranate. Very helpful.


  1. Mmmmm.....thanks for the Old Chicago nacho recipe! I know some boys who will be very happy if I make it!! :)

  2. Your JPII party sounds eerily similar to ours. Except we had Chipotle because, you know, Mexican...the other Polish meat. My boys reeeeeally dug the superman scene in the auto tune video.

  3. Love the JPII fest! Did you know he is at Catholic U (my alma!) when he is singing much of that?! Tried to play it for my middle schoolers last year, they were less than impressed. What can I say. I love that guy!

  4. #2, love your feast! Jack got to pick what we eat and didn't want Polish food, we went totally american burgers and fries. But if *I* had been picking it would have been pierogis all the way, and polish sausages!
