May 6, 2013

WIWS - the cheater's edition

I'm calling this the cheater's edition because while the outfit below is what I wore Sunday it's not what I wore to Mass.

Recently we discovered that the kids do so much better at the Vigil Mass on Saturday and so we've been doing that the last few weekends. Saturday I wore the same old cardigan, scarf, shoes, and dress I've been wearing for awhile - perhaps a new outfit but the same pieces just rearranged in a new way.

Sunday, however, we celebrated L's 5th birthday and I wore this outfit:

And now I ask you: Belt or no belt? You can barely see it - a black belt on a black shirt - but its buckle is gleaming a wee bit at the top of my belly.

Travis said I should lose the belt. I tried to explain that it accentuated my waist, which has recently moved north a few inches and that it was a trend. He said he'd seen some of his students do it but he just doesn't like the look.

I wore it anyway, obviously.

So let's take a vote. Who was right? Travis or Bonnie. No vote = you side with Travis and you're just afraid to tell me I looked stupid at my daughter's birthday party. ;)

30 weeks, people. I'm only gonna get bigger.

Thanks to Mandi at Messy Wife, Blessed Life for hosting this week! And happy wedding weekend to Emily at FLAP!


  1. belt. especially and always while pregnant. The belt straps my remaining dignity to my body.

    1. which *I* desperately need while pregnant. NOT you. Just to clarify.

  2. I always do a belt when I'm pregnant. Keeps everything from looking like a tent on me. Or at least it helps a little. I think that's why empire waist is such a popular look for maternity tops.

  3. Bonnie!! You look amazing! YAY!

  4. I too always belt while pregnant - it's the one time in your life you can emphasize a large midsection, why not embrace it all the more with a belt? Also you look like you're ALL belly from the side angle!

  5. You look darling. Definitely belt. I used to wear floppy shirts when pregnant. I have been recently enlightened and now feel much more presentable when the belly is defined at least a little. The current belt fashions are perfect for us mamas who need a little fashion boost as we approach labor day. :)

  6. I wore a belt like that when I was pregnant, so I def vote belt. Well placed accessories are always a win :)

  7. I love the belt. Adds a little something without overbearing your belly. :)

  8. I love the belt too. It seems to me that whenever I wear one, the male members of my family say they don't like it. I have no idea why. As this baby keeps growing, I'm still wearing the belt.

  9. I like the belt personally.

    1. ack! I published before I was done typing! I like belts when I have a belly, I like to draw as much attention to it as possible!

  10. I like the belt. I think you look great!

  11. It's a black skinny belt over a black shirt. What is the problem? It's fine.

  12. I love the belt. I am "thick-waisted" so preggers is the only time I can get away with it. You look lovely, too!

  13. While it's hard to see the belt in the photo, I'm mostly a pro-belt kinda gal. So my vote sides with you.
