May 6, 2013

Mary altar for the month of May

I like that in the month when we celebrate Mother's Day we also celebrate Mary, her motherhood, and therefore her Son.

Her Son, Jesus. I'd make some dumb joke about how "He's kinda a big deal" but instead I want to earnestly tell you that Jesus Christ is true God and true man. That through the power of the Holy Spirit He was born of Mary, a virgin. He was a carpenter, a good son, a simple man and then one day when he was about 30 years old his mom asked him to help a bride and groom out because they had embarrassingly run out of wine at their wedding reception. Jesus honored His mother, did what she asked, and performed His first public miracle. 

From there He preached and taught, performed more miracles, forgave sins, gathered disciples, and trained the men to whom He would give a great commission. He unjustly died on a cross - taking on the weight of all our sins. He was dead in a tomb for three days but then rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven. He conquered death and made it possible for me to be saved from Hell.

The Son of God - God Himself - did this for me. 
Mary's Son did this for me. 

I've seen some really beautiful ways to honor Mary for the month of May in our homes but I've never done much to actually do so until this year. 

Soon we will put in a Mary garden with a beautiful statue, perhaps some climbing red roses behind her to symbolize  her sufferings. Marigolds, lilies of the valley, violets, snowdrops, and lilies may all find their way in, too. 

In the meantime, in our living room, this simple shrine. Some simple flowers, some cheery candles, and a pretty statue. 
O Mary, just as you interceded for that couple two thousand years ago, pray for me and my family now and at the hour of our deaths.


  1. I have that same statue! It was my mom's and I took it from her because I liked it so much. Ill have to make a little alter with it!

  2. When I was growing up my parents always made an altar to Mary for the month of May...such special memories:)

  3. this is awesome, you are awesome. awesome, awesome, awesome.

  4. I have never had an actual May altar - well, not since I was a child - and even though I write this on the 27th of May, I realize it is not too "late." The Feast of the Visitation is my favorite Marian feast... so maybe it's time to go "all out!" Thank you for the inspiration!

  5. I just love this post, Bonnie. So beautifully written. Thanks for linking it up!
