May 10, 2013

7 Quick Takes

Thanks, Jen, for hosting!

1 - Some friends and I saw Nickel Creek in concert several years back and Sara sang her cover of this song. Of course Linda Ronstadt's classic version is awesome but I like the sweetness of Sara's voice.

2 - Jenny and Jen and anyone else wondering about the music. I highly recommend this station, WWCT, for "new" music. Enjoy.

3 - "The man who thinks only of himself says prayers of petition; he who thinks of his neighbor says prayers of intercession; he who thinks of loving and serving God says prayers of abandonment to God's will, and that is the prayer of the saints." Fulton J. Sheen

4 - I had my 30 week sonogram and midwife appointment. I was not too happy to know that based on this baby's measurements I'm on track to have another baby the size of Resa. Resa was 11lbs 9.5oz, for those who don't remember. Her birth was an incredibly traumatic experience for me. I was hoping for a smaller baby, perhaps an 8 pounder who would just shoot out of me like she was on a slip n' slide.

5 - The good news is that the baby is currently breech. I know that for everyone else this would be bad news but for me it would mean an instant c-section. An instant, no questions asked because there's no other way, c-section would mean no more stuck babies or dead babies or otherwise emotionally scarring events.

6 - For Mother's Day I wanted to show off my maternal grandmother, whom I am named after and whose dress I covet. 

 7 - And a Happy Mother's Day to my mom, mother-in-law, Grandma F, Grandma W, and Grandma E! Love to you all!


  1. Prayers for you at week 30. Big babies (sigh...), story of my life.

  2. I have big babies (but not that big). Prayers for you and your little one.

  3. I love Nickel Creek. Wish they did more.

    I will pray for the birth to go well, no matter how it happens!

  4. I will hope for a breech baby with you! Make sure you're doing lots of sitting on a really plush couch!

  5. Glad all is looking good, big but good.
    Excellent quote!

  6. I'm 33 weeks with a breech baby. Perhaps I need to reread your #3 - quote by Fulton Sheen. I'm *not* looking forward to a c-section (!!!) and am trying everything I can to turn this little lady. My last baby was big (10 lbs) and I hemorrhaged, so I'm also trying to keep this baby small. I don't have gestational diabetes, but I'm tracking my blood glucose levels & avoiding foods/snacks/desserts that make it spike, in hopes that I might be able to keep this baby a manageable size. We'll see... (but at least I'm keeping my pregnancy weight gain lower than usual!)

    Praying for you, that you're able to surrender as well and that above all else, you and baby are healthy - physically, mentally and spiritually!

    1. Have you heard of SpinningBabies.Com? Midwife and doula friends of mine swear by it.

    2. Thanks Jen. Yes, I'm doing their exercises and I'm also seeing a chiropractor next week. Hopefully the combo will be enough to convince baby she needs to turn!

  7. #5: My c-section (at 29.5 weeks in traumatic/emergency circumstances) was actually not the worst surgery experience I've ever had. It is major surgery but it's 45 minutes long, they'll show you the baby once they're out and let you have cuddles, and the days in the hospital would be restful (in theory). Granted, surgery also doesn't freak me out (labor did) so I'm a minority. There are also enough of us in your readership who have done the c-section thing that we can give you tips on how to get through it.

  8. I don't know the background behind your other birth but I am so sorry you had a traumatic experience. I know you probably already know this but ultrasounds are notoriously bad at weight guesses...they can be off by two pounds! So maybe the baby isn't as big as you think. I'll pray that you have a positive, holy, healthy birth this time around. Have you thought about having a doula? A doula could be a Godsend to you in a situation like this. Prayers!!

    1. Okay, I just clicked around and saw that the doula suggestion was unneeded :) Sorry about that! Praying for your peace and health before and during your birth. May our Blessed Mother give you comfort and hope.

  9. Holy cow, that was a big baby! Poor Mama! I can see why a section is looking good :) Happy Belated Mother's day!

  10. I know this post is really old, but I just saw that you like nickel creek. Have you been listening to Sara since going solo??? A-freaking-mazing!! Her voice has really found its home. One of my favorites is take up your spade and break ground. Wonderful.
