March 9, 2013

An Open Letter to CBS News

I sent this email to CBS News this morning after watching their segment on the upcoming conclave. I think, though, that any newscast who wants to be credible should listen to what I'm saying.  Even if you don't like what the Catholic Church teaches you should still care to report the news acurately.  It's your job.
To whom it may concern,
When you revamped CBS News This Morning I switched from being a long time, loyal watcher of The Today Show to you. I have been very impressed with your reporting. I am not able to watch every day but try to check in at least a little. Also, I love the Eye Opener.
But today I am wondering just how reliable and credible you are as my main source of world and national news. Your papal experts this morning were a JOKE. A Baptist from the Huffington Post? Seriously? And a "nun" who mostly cares about never-gonna-happen ordination of women? It seems to me if you really cared about factual and responsible journalism you would have gotten orthodox Catholics - men and women who love the Church and are faithful to Her teachings.
NBC was smart enough to hire Fr. Robert Barron - an actual, educated, orthodox Catholic priest, but he's not the only one out there. Allow me to suggest Thomas Peters, Brandon Vogt, Lisa Hendey, Fr. Dwight Longenecker, Raymond Arroyo, Elizabeth Scalia, Sr. Helena Burns, or Archbishop Chaput. They are all educated, orthodox, informed Catholics.
If you can't get something this easy correct I wonder how badly you're screwing everything else up.
Bonnie Engstrom
Goodfield, IL
a member of the Catholic Diocese of Peoria
If you would like to email CBS News This Morning and tell them how you feel about their pathetic papal experts you can do so using this email address:


  1. Thank you for writing this, and yeah, I am totally diggin on nbc's coverage. It's good.

  2. good stuff...NBC has been doing a good job.

  3. Great letter. Way to complain without sounding like a lunatic.

  4. Oh, I am so glad to see that you did this! I saw the 'segment' you mention and I was so enraged that this is what is being put out there for all the world. Are you kidding me, no wonder we have to fight so hard to keep our Catholic friends and families from running away from the Church.
    Exactly like you said, the experts were a JOKE. And how dare they claim that the Catholic faith NEEDS reform, that the new Pope has be able to make that reform.
    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for sending this to them. If I can come up with a good enough letter, I may just send them my thoughts too.
    Love your blog and you! Keep it coming, please.

  5. Thanks for doing this! Every time I see national media coverage regarding the conclave, it makes me cringe. It baffles me that they make claims that the church wants/can/will change such foundational concepts (marriage/priesthood/right to life/etc). Bravo!

  6. Kudos Bonnie. Deacon Greg Kandra used to work for CBS corporate for what ... two decades prior to being ordained a permanent deacon? There's a relationship already established on top of the credentials he brings to the table. Come on CBS.

  7. Good for you! So glad you did this.

  8. Mainstream Media is extremely antithetical to Christianity and Orthodox Catholisicm. So may I suggest that all Catholics boycott these extremely bigoted institutions that have long abandoned any pretense of fairness and even journalistic integrity. When the anti-christ appears, the MSM will be hand-in-glove with him.

  9. TAG! You're it:

  10. Okay, I need your honest opinion- which station has been the most reliable for the Conclave? I'd like my family to experience this, regardless of our religious affiliations. :)

    1. I'd say EWTN is the most reliable if you have cable. Otherwise I'd go with NBC. They hired Fr. Robert Barron and he is a reliable priest. Plus Matt Laurer seems to have a working relationship with Cardinal Dolan and they have covered the Church more fairly before.

    2. You can watch EWTN online--that's what our family has been doing. They might not have as constant of coverage now, but it's worth checking out first:
