March 19, 2011

Something In The Water

Small confession:

I used to be a lot more hip when it came to the music I listened to. It was a bit of a status thing - I was the smart, Catholic girl with long hair and good taste in music.

In college I read Rolling Stone and would check out the musicians the critics wrote about. I read liner notes in albums to find out what musicians the artist collaborated with or was inspired by; I then looked into those guys. I also tried out the music my younger brother and friend LB listened to. They were (still are) good at knowing underground - read "cool" - musicians.

However, I have always loved pop music and so I was never really hip enough to be actually hip... but enough that I could be on the fringe of hipster circles. Or, you know, Karl and LB liked me. *shrug*

Anymore I don't have time to sit around reading magazines or liner notes or talk about bands at bars. So I use Pandora and the recommendations of a few friends with good taste in music to keep fresh music coming my way.

Every time I post a youtube song for you I have the following ridiculous conversation with myself in my head:

Oh this song is so good! I hope people love it as much as I do!

- Maybe no one has heard of it and it'll make their day - finding out about a new song or artist! Or maybe it'll make me seem cool because I know about good music.

Or maybe everyone already knows this song and they're all gonna think I'm the last lame person on the bandwagon because I just found out about it.

- Only mean people will think that. And if they already know it then they'll just be happy for another chance to hear it, or they'll be excited that I finally found about it. And seriously, you are lame - you used the word "bandwagon."

And this blog isn't about being cool, Bonnie. It's about being honest and sharing your faith and vocation.

- Well maybe I shouldn't post it because it's not Christian. What if someone is scandalized? That would be bad.

Just do it, it's not a scandalous song. It's a good song. A toe tapper. A dance in the kitchen, sing along in the shower, roll down your windows and crank it song.

- Just post the dumb thing and get over yourself!

So here ya go. Brooke Fraser's Something in the Water. I hope you like it. :


  1. OK, so I will watch Brooke's video as soon as I'm done commenting - I just couldn't wait until it was over to send a respose to your post. I *love* (love, love, love) Adele (sp?) and you introduced me to her! I've never even been on the fringe of cool when it comes to music but I've now been sent into musical oblivion because all I listen to are children's CD's or contemporary Christian music. "Rolling in the Deep" was amazing - loved the song and listened to it over and over and over again after you posted it. I was going to share it on Facebook but didn't because I had the same internal dialogue that you posted on your blog here. In short, I chickened out. Thank you for not being chicken so that the real dorks out in musicland (speaking as one myself) can become exposed to great music. :-)

  2. Duuuude!

    I love it...and I've never heard of her! You introduced me to many new artists when we lived together Bonnie (Ben Lee being one of them). I appreciate that 'cool' quality about you, in case you were wondering.

    Thanks for posting this ;^)

  3. I haven't heard her yet... so you made my day. And I hope to post a youtube video soon of our new favorite find, James Vincent McMorrow.

    (You're cool enough to get a sneak peek before it goes up on the blog!)

  4. You had me tapping my toes. :) I really liked it and appreciate when you share music and youtube videos. Most of the time I've never heard of the artist. Sarah Bareilles's King of Anything is one of my favorite songs now! Please keep sharing. Have a great week!

  5. I LOVE LOVE Brooke Fraser!!! Did you nkow she is a Christian? I actually first heard of her because she is on a ton of worship albums that I love. So glad you found her!! Oh! And you've never been a dork!!

  6. Funny/random little story just to prove how hip and cool you are when it comes to music... Back when we were six or seven years old Mrs Davis (oh boy, I hope she was your teacher too or I may have the year wrong on this story)took us and the rest of the class to a park near the elementary school and we had to fill out a form telling the class a little bit about ourselves. One of the questions read, "Favorite type of music." Being that it would be years before I would discover music in general and my favorite Paul Abdul in particular, I had no clue what this meant. So I cheated off of you. You wrote "pop/rock" and so did I becuase I knew that if Bonnie Fandel wrote it down, then it must be cool. ;-) Love ya, Burn.

  7. I am flattered to be mentioned in this post. :-) Now that I am in the midst of motherhood, I am clueless about music. Nate stays on top of music he likes, but our tastes don't always overlap. So two or three times a year there will be a new album I like. That's about it. Sad. I wonder how it will be when our kids are older... will they get into music the same way we did? Will I like what they like, or hate it? I'm so curious!

  8. Wir Sind Helden always reminds me of you and...Du bist ein Helden! Vergiss dass nicht - Raul
