October 5, 2014

WIWS and Loves Park

Ladies of the internet, I miss seeing your outfits! Remember how Grace used to do her #WIWS post and grade her kids' Mass behavior? I loved those posts. I'm calling for a revival of Fine Linen and Purple's What I Wore Sunday link up.

Now, here's what I wore:  

This week I wore a maxi skirt as a dress, threw a cardi over it, added the scarf because it's cold and called it good.  I've actually gotten lots of compliments on wearing this skirt this way and so maybe it'll look good on you too. I didn't belt it but that probably would look fantastic on your figure.
Minimal make-up and some dangly faux pearl earrings to complete the look.

Everything I'm wearing is from Target except the scarf, which was a gift.


This coming Wednesday, October 8th I'll be speaking at the Morning Star Mini Retreat hosted by the Moms' Ministry group at St. Bridget Church, Loves Park, Illinois.

The mini retreat runs from 9:00am - 11:00am with optional Mass at 8:15 and Confessions at 8:45am.
In my talk, “A Knotted Life,” I will share the story of JF's miraculous healing, the merits and wisdom of an up-and-coming saint, and my devotion to Our Lady, Undoer of Knots.

Childcare available for children ages 6 mo.+, with a faith-building program o"ered for school-aged
children. Please RSVP via email if you plan to use childcare: MorningStarMoms@yahoo.com

If you're a blog reader and you're able to attend please come up and introduce yourself!

If you're new here, stick around! You can follow A Knotted Life on Bloglovin' or Feedly.
Plus, I'd love to connect with you. You can find me on InstagramPinterest, and Facebook. I hope to "meet" you soon!


  1. Love how you styled your maxi! So fun and cute!

  2. You look great!! I miss wiws as well. I linked up almost every Sunday for over a year but stopped as the whole thing started to peter out. Hoping more people start to link up (too late for me, I didn't get pics of Mass clothes) but maybe next Sun,.

  3. What an interesting concept! I've got a black maxi skirt and I'll need to try that! You look great!

    I actually linked up to WIWS today too! I also miss seeing everyone's outfit - I need outfit inspiration! Let's start a WIWS revival!!!!!

  4. I have a few maxi skirts that I will have to try this with. You look amazing!

  5. Oh I wish this Wednesday was one of my Wednesdays off!

  6. You look great, Bonnie! I esp. love your scarf. :)

  7. You look very nice. You know, I'm not a fan of the belted dress look. If a belt is not really functional, I think it looks kind of odd most of the time. Especially over cardigans. And definitely while pregnant.

    1. Ha, I belt dresses a ton! I never use a belt to hold anything up, but it adds shape to dresses that aren't as fitted, and my body changes so often that there's no point in buying fitted dresses anymore! And yeah, I belt a ton while pregnant, too - adds shape to tent-like dresses and flatters the bump. And over cardigans...

    2. I love belted dresses and cardis and all that. I think it looks super cute. Because of my shape right now it both gives me some sort of a waist but also makes me look pregnant and emphasizes my large chest. So I just leave it to others most of the time.

      My husband though, really dislikes it. He teaches high school and sees a lot of fashion and thinks an impractical belt is just dumb. So I think something is SUPER cute and he's like, "That's dumb." lol

    3. Yeah it can be tricky depending on body shape! Mostly I'm just trying to win Mary over to my side ;) But I think you're right to go without in this outfit - it looks super-slimming when you leave it flowy so your chest is working to your advantage! Or maybe you've lost weight and it would look slimming no matter what!

  8. You look fabulous!!! I enjoyed reading those posts too :)

  9. I might need to try it with the one maxi skirt I have. Maxi skirts tend to be too long on me anyway since I'm so short. Here's to hoping your nudge revives the link-up!

  10. Hi Bonnie! You look beautiful and adorable in your church attire! I really need help in the fashion department so your posts and others will give me some inspiration! Since I'm still nursing my 14 mo. old, my wardrobe still feels soooo limited and I haven't worn a dress in over a year! Yikes!

  11. I've always thought about wearing a maxi skirt as a dress but then thought that it would look super weird. You've inspired me to give it a shot.

  12. You look great! That's one of my favorite ways to wear my maxi skirts, especially when winter comes and there's too much slush around to wear them long :) Works great for different body types and different stages, too!

  13. Hey, I've been there! My aunt and uncle got married at St. Bridget's. I am still thinking about coming up. We would miss co-op here though. Debating.....

  14. Maxi skirt as a dress? Genius! I am short so maxis are usually too long for me. This sounds like a great fix!

  15. I am totally going to try the maxi skirt as a dress!!! Great idea! I love the scarf, too!

  16. You look so beautiful, Bonnie! Love your skirt turned dress, and what a pretty scarf!

  17. Being 9 months pregnant I wear pretty much the same thing every week, since nothing else fits! lol
