September 19, 2013

Seven Quick Takes

1 - I'm going through a little Matchbox Twenty phase right now. It's fun.

2 - My latest at Ignitum Today: Pride and Postpartum Depression.

3 - Today we had beautiful fall weather and so the kids and I went to the park after Mass. Then, during quiet time, I painted my nails a dark purple. The boys' birthday party is tomorrow otherwise I would have gotten out the fall decorations.

4 - Speaking of fallish things... I'm helping organize the All Hallow's Eve party at my parish. I'm really trying to create something that has structure for the kids and is a good marriage of the secular Halloween and the Catholic All Hallow's Eve. I'm excited for the decorations, games, sneaky they-don't-know-they're-learning-because-it's-fun catechizing, and the costumes. I've started a Pinterest board and I'll be happily adding to it in the coming weeks. Here's a sneak peak:
pretzel sticks + mini marshmallows + white chocolate = RELICS! Get it?! 

5 - Honestly, I started these 7QT last week and never got the chance to finish them... until a week later...

6 - And now poor JF is sick and I'm exhausted and Travis is going out of town tomorrow for his Masters class. So I got nothing...

7 - Except for this story:
L: Mommy, does JP drink regular milk or soy milk?
Me: Actually, he drinks human breastmilk, which is neither regular (2%) milk nor soy milk.
L: What do you mean?
Me: Well, regular milk is actually cow's milk, it comes from a cow. Soy milk is made from the soybeans that grown in the fields around us. But JP drinks milk from my breast - not from cows or soybeans but human breastmilk.
L: Ummmm... okay... So does JP drink regular milk or soy milk?
Me: He drinks regular milk.


  1. I can imagine that it would confuse the poor girl!

    How is James? Did he have pneumonia?

  2. Those relics are awesome and I'm stealing them.

  3. Bonnie, those relics are brilliant! And, I am cracking up on the breastfeeding comment. Classic. I have an out of town hubby, too. Boo.

  4. Hahaha that conversation is hilarious. How is James feeling? And I second Kathrym- those relics are so neat!!!

  5. Ok, since I read this Friday (today is Monday) I have been thinking of the relics...genius!!! I know, that means I've been contemplating food for like...four days, hahahaha. But anyway, I love how you live-out the seasons with your family. We celebrated St. Pio's feast tonight, and my husband had a beer...thats about how close our meal resembled the saint, BUT its a start and the homemade cheesecake I did was deeeeelicious! Wow? I sound so vain. This comment is out of control. Stopping. Now. :-)
