August 18, 2013

To my daughter, on the eve of her first day of school

Dear L,

Tomorrow is a day you've been waiting for: your first day of kindergarten. You are so excited to learn and to make friends and I am thrilled to see just how excited you are.

Because we choose to keep you home for preschool this is your first day of tradition school. Most of the kids in your class, maybe even all of them, will already know each other because they were in preschool together. They will already know the ropes of how to get through a day at school. I hope that they befriend you, show you how to do things when you're confused, invite you to sit with them at lunch, and play with you at recess. I hope they are kind and generous and I believe that they will be. I believe that you will meet some wonderful kids and have a lot of fun with them as you grow up together.

You are already enamored with your teacher and she does seem fantastic. I am sure she will teach you many wonderful things and I hope and pray that I have given you a solid foundation that you and she can build on. I hope you love to read, because reading can take you to any place and any time - even places and times that don't exist. I hope you love science and math and discovering things about the world, because the world is so very, very interesting and science and math will show you how amazing our Creator is. I hope you grow in faith and virtue while you attend school and that you and your friends will have Christ as the center of all your friendships.

Kiddo, I think you are fantastic. You are smart, kind, generous, hard-working, thoughtful, talented, fun, creative, and beautiful. I am so proud of you and I love you so much.

As I think of that - of how very wide and how very deep my love for you is - I can't help but think of a boy I went to school with. We'll call him Sam. He was quiet, kind, interested in computers, and a little unsure of himself, and Sam was bullied throughout all of middle school and high school. He never did anything to deserve being treated poorly. I don't think I ever stood up for him, and I am very ashamed of that.

I hope that if you ever see bullying you will stop it - you will step in, stick up for the person being bullied, and will do what I never did. I also hope that you will never be a bully but that you will always respect the dignity of every one of your classmates, peers, and everyone you ever meet. And lastly, I hope you are never bullied. I hope you're never battered down the way Sam was. I'm pretty sure that on his first day of kindergarten his mom felt exactly the same way I do about you, but for some reason we all missed what she saw. I hope people don't miss what I see in you. Honestly, I want this as much for myself as for you - it would break my heart to see you hurt and I don't think I could bare it.

 But this is not about me - this is about you and you, L, are about to do some amazing things. School is so much fun. Being a part of a school community is so much fun. You will learn, play, grow, and be loved. I hope you are happy and challenged and encouraged. Please know that your father and I expect you to always show compassion, generosity, and respect. We expect you to always be kind, good, honest, and hard-working. We want you to love and serve and glorify our good God.

And please know that we believe in you! Our expectations are not too high and we know that you will be successful. You will do wonderfully! You are wonderful! And I promise you that I will do my best to help you, to work with you, and to care for you.

I love you, Sweetie Pie. Have fun tomorrow and God bless you.


  1. Just lovely, Bonnie. You are one awesome mama with one beautiful girl there. Keeping you in prayer this week.

  2. So many awesome things are in store for you and your family, Bonnie. Prayers for you this week as you hit your groove and begin your new adventure. It will be awesome!

  3. My N-man (my oldest) starts Kindergarten next week, so I loved reading this sweet and deeply thoughtful letter from your heart. I will be thinking of you guys tomorrow and as we gear up this week! I hadn't imagined penning anything, period, let alone all these deep thoughts - maybe because I'm trying to play it down (I do well in the overemotional department) and maybe because he's already been at the Catholic school where he's enrolled part time for preschool. Still, Kindergarten is the real-deal and as its hit me a couple times I was almost overwhelmed by the thought he could be this big already and part of a true school experience like you describe. He had a fabulous teacher last year and - he went every morning - many kids went all day - so I got to pick him up at noon and spy on the class. It is so neat the way little ones respond in a classroom with an awesome teacher - so eager and full of joy. Enjoy & God bless you and your girl!

  4. She'll do wonderful and you will too! You and her will meet so many new people!

  5. So beautiful. I love this, Bonnie.

  6. This is beautiful. My oldest starts preschool in a few weeks. Your idea of writing a letter to Lydia is fantastic. I have decided to do the same for my kiddos and give them to them, in printed form, when they graduate. It really is beautiful and moving to read about the desires of a parent for his or her sweet, innocent child. Go get 'em, Lydia. Happy first day of school!

  7. This made me cry. It reminds me that the students I teach have parents that love them like this, and it reminds me of the great responsibility I hold as their teacher. Thank you. I can't wait to hear about her first day!

  8. My second started Kindergarten this year. It's so hard for a Mama. When my oldest started I cried and cried, not in front of her of course. This time is a bit easier but still bittersweet. The hardest part is watching them struggle with other children whose parents have not emphasized the need to be kind.

  9. This is so sweet, Bonnie. It made me cry.

  10. After a week and a half without internet, I'm finally catching up on a few of my favorite blogs (yours, of course!), and I have to say that this made me a bit teary-eyed! Being a mother is such a beautiful experience....even in the emotionally trying moments, like sending our little ones off to school. You're an amazing mom, Bonnie.

  11. After a week and a half without internet, I'm finally catching up on a few of my favorite blogs (yours, of course!), and I have to say that this made me a bit teary-eyed! Being a mother is such a beautiful experience....even in the emotionally trying moments, like sending our little ones off to school. You're an amazing mom, Bonnie.

  12. This is a very touching letter, Bonnie. I'm am sure your daughter will be very touched and happy once she reads this someday. The first day of school is one momentous occasion, not only for a child, but for a parent’s life as well. I think you wrote a very touching letter for such event.
    Jan Haskins
