April 5, 2013

7 Quick Takes

1 - Saw this. Loved it. Wanted to share it. (Watch 'em dance - it's so great.)

You also have the option of watching Lennon and Maisy sing Hey Ho from this week's episode of Nashville. It's just as good as The Lumineers.  Seriously.
2 - You know what's awesome? When you have all kinds of kids throwing up all over. Awesome.

3 - I'm in a local book club with some other women. Right now we're reading Love and Respect by Emmerson Eggerichs. I'm only through chapter 5 but I find it really interesting. The bottom line is that God asks wives to unconditionally respect their husbands and for husbands to unconditionally love their wives. I have heard of several people whom I know personally whose marriages have greatly benefited from the book.  Travis and I have a good marriage and (thanks be to God) were already doing a lot of what the author suggests, but I have still picked up some good suggestions and reminders. Anyone read it?

4 - Anyone else watch Grimm? I love that show. It's a cop show meets the best of Once Upon a Time. Also, it has a fantastic character named Monroe. He's the best friend, a little bit of a nerd, gets also the best lines, and is also a werewolf. You know - normal stuff. Anyways, if you're looking for a new show to check out I suggest Grimm - you can catch episodes on Hulu.

5 - Travis could tell I was having a stressful day and so he called me while I was out by myself and told me he had just moved $200 to the checking account and I could spend it however I wanted or needed. I bought  some of this and some of that and the makings of a new outfit that looks like this

6 - I also spent some cash on the kids, getting them new swimsuits for the summer. I was really disappointed at how difficult it was to buy a swimsuit for my almost 5 year old girl. First, I have nothing against two piece suits, in fact I prefer them for L because it makes potty breaks so much easier. However I want a tankini, not a bikini. And I especially don't want a suit like this
As far as I'm concerned the triangle top and ruffles on the breasts are nothing but a flashing sign saying, "Hey pedophiles! Look at me! Look at how my mommy dressed me in this sexy little suit!" Not the message I want to be sending to any person looking at my child.

7 - Aaaaaaand, that's all I've got! Congrats to Hallie! Best wishes to Jen! (And thanks for hosting like always!) Good night to everyone else!


  1. Hi Bonnie - I totally agree on the swimsuits for little girls!! Quite frankly, it goes for most clothes now that she is out of the toddler area. No, I don't want my 5 year old to wear lace leggings and a mini-skirt - call me crazy TARGET!! I did have success with swimsuits at Lands End. You have to wait for the 40% off sale (or wait until the end of the season and then double dip with a coupon as I did last year!) but they have tankinis and even skirted bottoms. Not every little girl would like that, but mine loves them. She actually asked me one year (when she was 3) why mommy had a swim skirt and she didn't and could she ever have one. I totally jumped on that opportunity for modesty and will ride that train as long as I can! Here's hoping she still feels that way when she is 15... :)

  2. LOVE the outfit!

    And I completely agree about little girl swimwear. I try to buy the rash guard type suits, bc my girls are so fair, but they are darn hard to find, especially cute ones.

  3. My kids have been throwing up awesome this week too! Everything has just been doused in awesome. Which means I get to engage in twice the laundry! Yay!
    Seriously, I will be happy when my kids learn to hit the pail on the first try. Hope you've manged to get some sleep. these bugs always hit in the middle of the night don't they?

  4. I read Love and Respect when we received it as a wedding gift. Some of it is hard to swallow, very counter-cultural. But true, I think. I asked my husband, "Do you _really_ want me to respect you more than you want me to love you? Really??" And he was basically like, " . . . Yup." As to #5, you picked a winner! (And the outfit is nice too.) ;-)

  5. That is so sweet that Travis gave you such a treat. The outfit is super cute. I love the green.

    I second the comment about Lands End.the have more modest suits for the younger set. My daughter is 11 now and we just bought her a rash guard top to wear over her bathing suit. She was very pleased with it.

    Lastly, I was excited to hear you mention Grimm. Brian and I have been big fans since the first episode but you are literally the first person I've found that also watches it. In fact, we just finished watching the latest episode. Monroe is our favorite character as well! Although the Julliete storyline sometimes gets tedious. Next week's episode looks like a good one. :-)

    1. I forgot to mention the videos. The first was so fun and playful! The second was great too. Awesome version of Hey Ho. (I never get tired of listening to that song.)

  6. We scored TWO great tankinis so far this year...one from Walmart and one from Kohl's!!! Win-WIN!!!

  7. We got a really cute rash guard tankini with a skirted bottom from Crazy 8 - looks like they still have a bunch online. But the teeny bikinis are there, too... And what really grosses me out is the fact that there's enough of a market for them that you can find them at all the major stores!

  8. I'm with you on the whole swimming suit thing. We got an adorable tankini suit for Miss Aubrey Mae at Target a couple of weeks ago, where they also had swim shirts for boys that Landon picked out and LOVES! They were on sale, too which made me happy : )

  9. My sister has 4 girls all under 10 yrs old. She buys the tankini suits from Lands End too. She says they are a lot more $ so she buys year end or with coupons also!

  10. Bonnie- that outfit is so cute! Also, I found a tutorial on how to turn a bikini into a tankini the other day. Basically she just sewed some fabric under the bottom seem o he top part. If I can find it I'll send it to you!

  11. Thanks for posting the "Nashville" video - that awesome, they were so cute! My 15 mo old daughter and I have been watching it over and over during lunch and she was bopping away to the music. We love the Lumineers!

  12. Cute outfit! Where did you get your green cardi? I am also constantly searching for a modest swimsuit- even though Avery is 6, she's wearing a size 7-8...even harder to find clothes that are age-appropriate. I usually have good luck at Old Navy, though their suits fade horribly.

    Glad you got to have a day out to yourself!

  13. Grimm is the best! I love Monroe! Although now when I annoy Nick he tells me I'm being a little hexenbeast. ;)

  14. I found tankini's for all three of my girls at Walmart of all places. I must have hit the racks before everyone else -- that has to be why I was able to find all three sizes I needed.

  15. I also have had good luck with Land's End swim suits. We live right by the cooperate headquarters so there is always warehouse sales close by. Maybe ebay would have some new unused ones. A lot of people buy at discount prices at the sales and try to sell them online. I was disappointed with Nashville at the end of last season. I stopped watching because it got a bit too racey for me. I loved the music though! One of the best parts about the show.

  16. What an amazing husband you have to do that for you. Nothing says "I love you" like money freely gifted from thrify people. And I hope that's not materialism to think that way. It reminds me of the widow's mite.
