March 16, 2013

Five Things + Liebster Award

The lovely Paula from Home in Douglas and the delightful Emily from Glitter Rainbow Happiness Land both nominated me for a Liebster Award.  To top it all off the wonderful Lisa from Gesterlingpalooza tagged me in the Five Things game.

Ahhh! Micaela from California to Korea tagged me too!  Golly - this pregnancy and flu have really made me dopey.

I know I'm pathetically late in doing this, but that doesn't mean I'm not honored and happy to partake.  So, for those of you with nothing better to do on a Saturday afternoon, here's a bunch of stuff about me with some pictures of things I'm anticipating.

A good, old fashioned Easter egg hunt on a not-too-cold day.

First, the Five Things:
1 - I enjoy throwing parties. I like to go into them like I'm a boss, setting up a Pinterest board, creating a theme, making a menu, and thinking of cute decorations. How they turn out is another matter, but I have fun in the prepping.

2 - My favorite comfort food is cubed steak with mushroom gravy served with mashed potatoes. Take a cubed steak, coat it in flour, and brown it in some oil that's heated in a deep, large pan. After both sides are browned pour on a can of cream of mushroom soup and then sprinkle that with a packet of dry onion soup mix. Cover with a lid and let simmer for about 40 minutes. Take the meat out and reserve the rest of the gravy in the pan for the mashed potatoes. It is amazingly high in sodium, not good for you, but totally delicious.

3 - When I'm sick I crave 3 things: toast with a teeny, tiny schmear of butter; red Gatorade; and red Popsicles.

4 - I've seen Sting, Alan Jackson, Vince Gill, Nickle Creek, New Kids on the Block, Backstreet Boys, JJ Heller, Sara Groves, Audrey Assad, They Might Be Giants, Newsboys, and Davy Jones (from The Monkees) live in concert.

5 - Despite my experience with JF I am still very pro homebirth.  It's not really an option for me any more but I wish it was.

Planting our garden and then enjoying its bounty.

Now, Paula's questions:
1 - What is your favorite way to relax?
Getting one of fancy pedicures that include a massage up the knee, lots of lotion, wine to sip on, strawberries and chocolate to snack on, and nice nail polish.

2 - What is your favorite season?
Fall. Love the colors, the holidays, the clothes, the atmosphere.

3 - Who is your favorite visual artist?
Waterhouse? My favorite sculpture is Michelangelo's Moses.

4 - Who is your favorite writer?
Probably C.S. Lewis.

5 - What is your favorite Scripture passage?
In the tender compassion of our God the dawn from on high shall bread upon us, to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death, and to guide our feet into the way of peace. Luke 1:78-79

Sweet summer dresses.
6 - Do you live where you live by choice or by circumstance?
A little of both.

7 - What do you most want to be remembered for?
Being the kind of woman who brought people to Heaven with her.

8 - What is your greatest accomplishment up until now (besides your children)?
My marriage.

9 - What is your favorite food?
A good, thick cheeseburger with tomato, lettuce, onion, mustard, and ketchup.

10 - Why do you blog?
It helps me think and clarify what I believe and how I feel.  It also helps me stay in touch with friends and family.  And when people leave comments that lead to a discussion - well I love that because it forces me to think even more about what I'm saying and if I'm right or not.

Playing outside.
Now Emily's questions.
1. If you had to eat one thing or meal all day for a week, what would it be?
Salad (but that includes fruit salad, lettuce salad, bean salad... this is totally not cheating)

2. When you get to go out by yourself (or with a friend/relative), what do you do? Or what would you want to do?
Usually I go to a coffee shop or the Barnes & Noble. I'll get some magazines and a drink and sit and read and sip and people watch.

 3. Do you find your children have similar temperaments?

 4. Sweet or salty?
Both. It's why salted caramel is all the rage, right?

 5. When you are with your husband, who usually drives? What about on longer road trips?
He does. I only drive if he's tired, but usually I'm more tired.

Flowers on my front porch.
 6. What's a "chore" that you secretly (or not so secretly) enjoy doing (I won't tell anyone)?
Picking up and organizing the kids' toys - all by myself!

 7. Are you a morning person or night owl?
Neither. I'm at my best in the middle of the day.

 8. What was the last book you read & was it any good (this is a selfish q, as I need some suggestions)?
Literally the last book I read was Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? and it was good. Right now I'm slowly working my way through The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic by Matthew West and it is good.

 9. If you could go on any vacation (expenses paid) with your kids & husband, where would you go? What would you do there?
I'd go to Disney World but I'd wait about two and a half years. My kids will still be young enough to love it and have it feel magical but they'll all be old enough to enjoy it.

 10. I'm at your house. What would I see?
Me and JF in our pajamas, a mess on the floor, clean bed sheets and towels that need to be folded and put away, Mighty Machines on the tv, a fairly clean kitchen.


  1. Bonnie! Thanks for accepting the award and for answering my questions! The pedicure, cheeseburger are also my favorites and the scripture passage is wonderful!

  2. Bonnie, did you read that Pope Francis has a special devotion to "Our Lady Untier of Knots"? Check this out:

    Also, here's something funny - I learned of Pope Benedict's resignation from your blog! I was on the west coast and when I got up on the morning of Feb 11 I checked my Reader, which is alphabetical and your blog is the first thing in my Catholic section - there was your report of the news.

  3. oops, just read the comments on that post and realize that you have already seen it! But I have been meaning to let you know I'll always think of your blog when I think of the papal transition of 2013.

    1. That's so cool, Nancy. Thanks for sharing that with me!

  4. "5 - Despite my experience with James I am still very pro homebirth. It's not really an option for me any more but I wish it was."

    I find this very interesting. I have investigated doing a homebirth for my current pregnancy and I think I am going to do it, but I still have this nagging voice in my head that basically says, "but remember James?"

    I admit it is a little irrational but it's there.

    1. I don't think it's irrational at all! I had a nagging voice while pregnant with James that I should do a hospital birth. Because of it I spent A LOT of time in prayer. I probably spent as much time discerning my third homebirth as my first.

      In the end I felt a great sense of peace about being at home and throughout everything that happened it was my discernment and peace that gave me confidence that I was in the midst of God's plan. I never felt guilt for being at home - in fact the only thing we ever felt guilty for was taking him to the hospital when we were told he'd live a short life of much suffering. "We should have just left him as dead and stayed home," we thought. I'm sure that sounds horrible to many people but it's the reality.

      Anyways, the short of it is this: PRAY about it and God will give you peace about the decision He wants you to make.

  5. Thanks for the fast response! I completely understand feeling guilty about going to the hospital when in the midst of the uncertainty of his recovery. Doesn't sound horrible to me.

    This will be my fourth delivery and have never had the slightest hiccup with the others in the hospital so I think I just have a touch of fear about the unknown. Pregnancy always makes me a little anxious.

    In fact there was a mix-up in my understanding of the financing and I thought that doing a homebirth would cost too much to justify. I was terribly disappointed for several days and didn't realize how much I wanted to try it out until it looked like I really couldn't. We got the numbers straightened out and we can swing it.

    So now I just have to make the final decision which leaves me excited and a bit nervous. I'm 30 weeks so the time to decide is pretty much now.
