March 1, 2013

7 Quick Takes

1 - I know a lot of people are typing really sweet, tear-jerking, gratitude-filled notes about Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.  But all I can give you is this: Sara Bareilles singing and dancing in a Mexican grocery store, summing up a lot of my feelings for Papa Bene.

Should be sayin' that to you by now, shouldn't I?
Layin' down the law that I live by,
Though maybe next time
And I tell myself to let the story end,
My heart will rest in someone else's hand
My 'why not me?' philosophy began,
And I say

Ooh, how'm I gonna get over you?
I'll be alright, just not tonight
Someday, oh I wish you'd want me to stay
I'll be alright, just not tonight,

2 - Here's something I think most of us in the world rightly did not know:
“This Pope has removed two or three bishops per month throughout the world because either the accounts in their dioceses were a mess or their discipline was a disaster,”
You can read more at EWTN.
One of my kids took this picture without me knowing.  It's the crucifix that hangs in our playroom; my mom gave it to me years ago.

3 - Some of us have wondered how the the changing of the popes has or will effect Venerable Sheen's cause for canonization.  A lot of us - myself included - were hopeful that because Pope Benedict personally knew and loved Fulton Sheen we would see him beatified and then canonized a little more quickly than some others.  (Popes can play favorite, right?)  Obviously my family is very curious because my son JF's healing has been submitted for Ven. Sheen's beatification.  (Moms can be biased, right?)  Anyways - all this to say - here's a nice article from The Catholic Post discussing this very question.

“I have spoken to our leaders in Rome -- Dr. Andrea Ambrosi, our postulator, and formally to Msgr. Jason Gray, who works in the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. Even now, to this day, the work of the Roman Curia is continuing,” said Msgr. Stanley Deptula, executive director of the Archbishop Fulton John Sheen Foundation. 
Read the rest here.

4 - Not related to the pope, I've been growing green onions.  Amazing!  I probably saw on Pinterest that one should not toss out green onions but stick them in a glass of water, put them by a window, and enjoy them over and over again.  And so I did, and it's working, and look at me saving $.50 every month!

5 - After this past Sunday's What I Wore Sunday post I had this awesome idea to put up pictures of myself from when I was thin but thought I was fat but actually was fairly hot.  And it would be my own little version of "What I Wish I Wore Sunday".  Maybe I'd even throw in a "But This Is What I Wore Instead".  I don't want to come across as a smart alec or to be mocking the WIWS link-up because I love that link up and the ladies who put it on for us each week.

Other variances I've thought of include: WIWTTOBGYNO because I looked really cute for my first midwife appointment and WIWTTGS because, again, I looked super cute at the grocery store.  I guess what I want is for me to post pictures of myself looking good and have women from all over the country leave affirming comments.

6 - Let's celebrate all things papist, shall we? (My latest post at Ignitum Today.)

7 - Quote from Ben, age 3, after a ginormous belch in the Target snack are. "This soda is burpy."
Actually taken at McDonald's and for some reason he wanted to pose with a knife.
I can't end with a picture of my son and a plastic knife.  So let me offer you some cute pictures of my other kids. 


  1. Just make your WIWS into an all-week fashion post and you'll get plenty of affirming comments! I tend to look way cuter the rest of the week too - maybe I'll follow your lead :)

  2. Don't we all think we are fat until we actually get fatter/pregnant and then realize we weren't? What a waste of hotness!! Hehehe!

  3. Is it weird that I might have a list of bishops I think should be removed :)
    In other news, your songs are my favorite, and I do the same thing.

  4. Lydia looks so big! Do you know the sex of this next baby yet?

    And I just did the green onion thing too! Amazing!

    1. Great minds, Kaitlin, great minds.

      And we're not finding out the sex of the baby this time. Surprise and birth.

  5. Re fatness/thinness, I had the same thought about how I should appreciate my somewhat youthful appearance, regardless of weight/pregnancy, etc. because at the rate these years are clipping by, I'll be wrinkled and old before I know it and I'll be kicking myself for not appreciating how young I looked because I was too bothered about thinking about how big my thighs were.

    Btw, how do you grow green onions? (I always use the whole thing, a couple at a time, so I'm confused)

    1. Oh Betsy - that's so true! I should be appreciating how young I still look.

      So all you have to do for the onions is not use the whole thing - keep the white and a bit of the green. Stick it in some water, put it by some light, and wha-la! I change the water every so often, too.

  6. I stuck left-over green onions in my flowerbed years ago, and they are STILL going! But maybe that wouldn't work somewhere that it actually snows.

    I love your WIWS posts--you are beautiful! And your kids are SO CUTE!

  7. I love all the personality in your kids' photos! It's humbling to take pictures of ourselves after having kids. Not just because of our look but because I feel I've outgrown getting my picture taken, that it should be pointed at the kids at all times.

  8. 1- that was a perfect song choice and such a fun video despite the goodbyes.
    4 - I can't wait to try the onion trick.
    7- your kids are too cute for words! :-)

  9. Bonnie:

    1) The Pope. Le sigh.
    2) Onions, brilliant.
    3) Publish those photos girl. I just told Dianna, the blogs always show the highlight reels, but sometimes it's good to see the reality. It reminds us that what we "see" today isn't as bad as we think. I love your insights and your honesty!

  10. I always think about how I want to post old hot pictures of myself on the blog and pretend I still look like that now, I'm really glad I'm not alone.

    Perhaps we should host some sort of link-up with pictures of "When we were hot" with lots of old hot pictures, I always love me a good link-up.

    Although I think you're crazy and that you look great right now :)

  11. Hi Bonnie - I nominated you for a Liebster Award! Go to Home In Douglas and fetch your questions and pass on the love!

  12. Hmmm. I don't have a window in my kitchen (apartment). I really want to do the green onion thing and the celery one too though. We have other windows, I just wonder if I'll remember to change out the water if they are not right in front of my face. I've managed to kill a cactus before so...
