November 7, 2012

a busy life means a new calling

I know awhile ago I mentioned that something is brewing in my life.  Actually, there's a lot of changes happening in my life right now and I'm really excited about all of them.  This Fall has been a busy one for us - four kids, Travis is pursuing his masters, lots of opportunities to develop my writing at Ignitum Today and other places, speaking engagements, meeting/speaking/working with many of my favorite Catholic celebrities, etc.  Great things - but they keep us busy!

With all of these blessings I have realized that God was no longer asking me to serve Him through the Behold Conference.  Believe me, it is with a lot of sadness that I give my role of Assistant Director back to Him, but I know that He knows best.  Rose and the rest of the Behold volunteers have been working on all kinds of exciting things to develop the ministry and I am 100% certain that their beautiful, fun plans are guided by the Holy Spirit.

I know that the Lord has blessed me with the opportunity to help found Behold Catholic Women's Ministries and the Behold Conference.  He has definitely been generous to me as the work allowed me to collaborate with wonderful, fun, devout women throughout central Illinois and meet heroes of mine like Jennifer Fulwiler, Teresa Tomeo, and Kate Wicker.

At the next conference I will be sitting in the audience, taking it all in, cheering on my friends, and thanking God for Behold.  Maybe we can sit by each other?


  1. You are a busy, loving mama. Whatever you do with your time will be for His glory and I'll be cheering you on from my little corner of the world!

    1. Thanks, Dwij!

      I thought you were going to say "from my little corner of the mitten" - get it, because Michigan is shaped like a mitten.

      Oh the cleverness!

  2. Behold would not be what it is without your hard work and great ideas over the past three years - thank you!!

    1. Thanks, Marie! I hope I can still help you with marketing via the blog and as a parish rep. :)

  3. I'd love to sit by you! :) While I know we've never met, I feel like I know you because of this blog, FB, and all of our mutual Blo-No friends. I always get excited when I check and you've posted something new here and always enjoy/am inspired by it thoroughly. Someday soon I hope we meet!

    Because I admire you and respect your opinion, I have some advice to solicite. I have a beautiful blessing of a 6 month old and my husband and I pray God blesses us with many more (he came from a family of 8 so we always joke I must outdo my MIL). While I am immensely happy God has blessed us and allowed me to be a SAHM, sometimes I get bogged down with thoughts of "how in the world am I going to do this or that with more kids?" I hate that I can't just enjoy the moment and let go of these thoughts that may never even come (no one knows His plan). Help! (And no pressure, it's not all in your hands, I'm praying about it too!)

    1. Julia, Likewise!

      When it comes to advice, I'm not sure I know what exactly to say but I'll give it a try based on what I learned through my experiences.

      Don't stress out about not enjoying all the little moments. I enjoy Teresa like I never enjoyed L, B, or J. I'm finally settled enough in motherhood and knowing who I am and how I work that I CAN enjoy her!

      BUT at the same time - why are you focusing on what you can't do today? That's just silly. Clearly if God wanted you to have/thought you were ready for more kids now you'd have more kids now - twins or something. But when He wants you to have more He will give you the grace and other means to do it, even if you have to struggle through some growing pains for a little while.

      So in the end you need to tell the devil to go to Hell and get away from you, your husband, your kids, your marriage, your motherhood, and your home. And then make sure you invite Christ (with His peace, joy, love, and mercy) right in!

  4. Sounds like a lot of excitement going on in the Engstrom household. YAY! Sending prayers your way. .. P.S. You're my hero :)

    1. Thanks, Mia!
      And I'm sure I am one of your biggest fans as well. I often tell Travis I wish we lived closer - I enjoy our friendship, your insights, and your sense of humor so much!

  5. Through the "no's" come your greatest blessings...a "yes" is waiting in the wings! Love you, Bonnie. Happy to hear about your new adventures.

  6. I'm sure this will be hard but I'm glad you have peace about it!

    1. Yes, Behold has been a wonderful experience in my life and it's hard to let go. It's only because I know He wants me to that I can.
