November 16, 2012

7 quick takes

1 - I heard of this guy yesterday and I am in love.  Love Love Love.  That's the name of another one of his songs that's also super good.

2 - Like you, I am also eagerly awaiting the next season of Downton Abbey.  (Unless you're my friend Lisa who somehow got her hands on some illegal downloads or something.)  But I just want to point out that Masterpiece Theatre is doing it exactly right with another show as well.  If you haven't watched Sherlock you need to start now.  It is seriously so great.

In honor of my love for Sherlock I give you this:

3 - Let's do High/Lows for the week.  For me, the High was napping, tied with doing puzzles with the older two kids.  The Low was cleaning poop off the sofa.  Your turn!

4 - When I have nightmares they frequently take place in the same location - this big, old mansion with gorgeous, wide, wooden stairs and rooms with lots of windows.  It is older and unkept and it feels like there's something evil there.  I might not dream about it for months but then it will show up again, or at least a close variation of it, and I'll be reminded of how I've "been there" before.

Does anyone else ever have this happen?

5 - If you like Cardinal Dolan &/or Bishop Jenky &/or Venerable Fulton Sheen I want you to go to Bishop Jenky's blog and watch this great video of Dolan and Jenky joking about all the chins they have and speaking about Sheen's cause.  It's really funny and full of personality.  It makes me happy to be Catholic.

6 - Also, here's a little something I don't understand.  Why do women post pictures of "dreamy" guys on Pinterest?  I was going to say something but then I saw this and pinned it.
Except I would end it by saying, "Out of respect for your husband, your marriage, and Jesus Christ, I encourage you to delete it." instead of the "Just saying."

7 - Someone tell my 2 year old that 5:25 is not a good time to wake up.  Please and thank you.


  1. I've never heard him before - love it!

  2. I like #6. I hate when my friends but that stuff up, and I need to remember to un-follow those boards, for love of my husband and Jesus.

    1. Yes, thankfully Dwija reminded me that I can Unfollow boards.

  3. #2 - Sherlock is one of my favorites too. Waiting to see if/when the next 'season' will start!

    1. You have GREAT taste! But I never considered that there might not be a next "season". (I think they call them "series" across the pond. ???) You're "if" has me worried!

  4. Once you get through the way too short season of Sherlock, I highly recommend the BBC/PBS series, Call the Midwife. It is soooo good! I think its the next best thing to Downton Abbey. i was worried about how the show might treat large families and nuns (both of which play pivitol roles in the show) but the show put both in really positive and honest lights. i cant wait to watch the Christmas special of the show that is coming out next month.

  5. I love Sherlock Holmes. I haven't seen the new series, though I've heard it's awesome (not having TV means we have to wait for things to get to DVD and then remember to Netflix them). That quote is so Sherlock and makes me laugh. And, I have also had recurring dreams set in places that are familiar in the dreams but I have never been to in real life. Weird.

  6. #1 - I like him. He's going on my spotify favs list :)

  7. #6 - YES. I absolutely agree! Have a great Thanksgiving! :)

  8. We love Sherlock! I don't go on pinterest but that sounds weird. Sorry about the poop on the sofa!
