October 19, 2012

7 quick takes

1 -Hope you're not getting tired of all my The Head and The Heart videos I've been posting..  I love this band!

2 - Speaking of music I love: I will be doing an phone interview with Audrey Assad today.  I'm so excited about it!  I asked my friend Nancy for some tips on doing an interview since she is a professional journalist.  She assured me that a little bit of gushing at the very beginning is okay so I shouldn't worry if there's a little bit of "oh-my-gosh-this-is-so-cool-I'm-such-a-big-fan" in my voice.

3 - Thursday night the kids and I were on our own since Travis had to stay late at work for parent-teacher conferences.  Dinner was supposed to be a breakfast casserole with from-scratch biscuits.  Instead we had leftover pizza, cheese cubes, a can of mandarin oranges, green beans, and bacon.  I'd say it was a good meal.

4 - We finally had a call about our house.  All I wanted to do was have him come over for dinner, show him the house, sign the contract, and send him home with a bag of my freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.  The crazy thing is that the guy has actually been in the house twice already because he's one of our town's volunteer firefighters.  So he was here the night JF was born and the night I called 911 because a lightbulb went out.

5 - What if this is true?

6 - Just a friendly reminder that this coming Sunday I'll be speaking in Dixon, IL.  If you want more information, please check out this post here.

7 - I have a new post up at Ignitum Today called "Special Needs Etiquette".  It's actually Part I or a two part article and in it I interview two friends who are the parents of special needs kids.  They answer some good questions about how to interact with their children, and others with disabilities, so that we're not all standing around awkwardly as our toddlers ask loud questions in the Target check-out line.


  1. I think Thursday's dinner sounds great. :)

    I hope that volunteer firefighter ends up buying your house!

    1. How can you go wrong with bacon, right? (Assuming it's not a Friday in Lent...)

      And thanks! I hope he does, too! Someone has put an offer on our dream house but we're hoping it's turned down. I know Mother Mary is taking care of us (I entrusted her with it) and I just hope it ends with our house selling quickly and us getting that one.

  2. Do you find it hard to come up with a dinner idea when your husband isn't there? When my husband is travelling, all I think about is pizza or fast food for dinner, something I would seldom suggest if he were here.

    I know what you mean about selling your house, when we had our house to sell in Ohio, I just wanted to leave a book of all the things we fixed on it. (Brand new roof, down to the rafters, new hot water tank, new windows, new carpet in two bedrooms.) As well as the great features it had already, first floor laundry, solid foundation, dry basement, and super awesome kitchen. Of course, I couldn't do that (for some strange Realtor created reason, I'm sure) so I just had to trust in God. :)

    1. I hear ya on the pizza and fast food! I provide food all day for my kids - at dinner I want to enjoy my efforts. If my husband isn't there to help with the kids while I cook, eat, and clean up I just don't want to put forth the effort!

  3. #5 made me laugh out loud :) I knew there was a reason I was avoiding Pinterest - haha!

  4. #3 cracked me up! That's me too-I just cant come up with the will power to cook and eat real food when he's gone. But you got all the food groups in that meal-I'd say that's a job well done.

    1. All the food groups - exactly! So it was healthy and well balanced!

  5. 7 - I do not mean this to be harsh or critical (I know that can happen way too often in the blogging world.), but I find it interesting that you write a piece on etiquette for interacting with people who have special needs and leave out the obvious essential piece of the puzzle - "person first language." People with special needs are people first, not their disability. It's important to lead by example and always place first reference on the person, child, girl, boy, etc...WITH [fill the blank disability]. Just a thought...

    1. Actually, if you read the article you'll see that I linked to a page on People First Language.

      This, however, is something that I was JUST introduced to so I am clearly still adjusting to this new way of talking. Also, I think it's going to take me a little bit longer because I have no issue saying "my special needs son" the way others (I think) find that offensive. In prepping for the article I even read something by a woman who doesn't even use the words "special needs" because she finds that stupid and offensive. But I disagree with her - James has special needs, whatev - and since my editor uses a wheelchair and chose the title I figured some people take issue with "special needs" and some do not.

      But, I'm glad you caught my slip up! I will be more careful next time!

  6. Oh your Pinterest poster is so funny! On the nights my husband is not home for dinner I am very tempted (and sometimes give in) to say "Here's a bowl of cereal with milk."
