October 5, 2012

7 quick takes

1 - The first time I heard this song I thought it was The Talking Heads or, in the very least, David Byrne.  I searched and searched for the song, though I had incorrectly remembered the lyric as "Oh the wonder of it all" instead of "I love the color of it all."  In the end it was not The Talking Heads but an Irish band named Bell X1.  So close!

2 - Recently some good friends of ours asked Travis and I to be the godparents of their new baby girl.  She's my first godchild and I am so honored and so excited!  My kids have great godmothers, so I have an idea or two about how to be the best godmother ever but I'd love some more tips if you've got any.

3 - As is the custom, Travis took L to school today to enjoy the Homecoming festivities.  Last night she ran up to me and said, "Mommy!  Daddy's taking me to school tomorrow and there's going to be a PARADE!!!"  At 2am she came to our bed and asked if she could sleep with Daddy so she could get up on time to go to school.  Too cute.

4 - We are currently doing everything we can to quickly finish our house and get it ready to be sold.  Travis, my brother-in-law, and a friend have been working all week on fixing the foundation under our kitchen.  I am so thankful for a handy husband!

5 - The reason we are trying to sell:  We have found the perfect home for our family.  Close to the Catholic school we want to send our kids to.  Closer to my mom, grandparents, and brothers.  It will save Travis 40 minutes of driving a day.  We'll be near JF's therapist, the grocery store we shop at, and the sprinkler park.  There's an acre lot and an out building.  It's a great house that we could easily, slowly update.  It's perfect.  Supposedly some guy who just wants to flip it is going to make an offer on Monday.  I hope and pray he doesn't.  I'm entrusting this to Mary and hoping that God will give us this, if it be His will.  Say a prayer for us, too, please!

6 - Changing the subject - we have another give away starting on Monday!  So be sure to check back in and enter as many times as possible - it's going to be great!

7 - My time for blogging is up!  I need to get to work - have a great weekend, friends!


  1. oooo, prayers for the house! So, if you are going to be closer to your mom then that also means you will be closer to me! yay!

  2. Bonnie, which Catholic school do you want to send your kids to? And, if you don't mind me asking, what's the tuition there?

    1. Ryan, I don't mind you asking at all. We (hopefully) will be sending Lydia to St. Pat's in Washington in the fall. It's something we never thought we could afford but God really laid it on my heart and made it clear that I should pursue it. The best part is this: 2012-2013 tuition is $1,700 for one student and 3 or more is $2,800. Assuming that we will also qualify for some tuition assistance we should easily be able to afford this - especially as we plan to set aside a good chunk of our tax refund to do so.
      Msgr also told our family that if money was an issue just let him know - Catholic education is important to the parish and they will find a way to make it work!

    2. This is amazing!!! Our parish school(where I work) costs $7800 per year for each child.... WAY better in the midwest.

  3. So happy to hear of all the wonderful things happening! Will send prayers! Miss you guys lots!!

  4. The house sounds AWESOME! Praying it all comes together :)

  5. We are very happy with our duaghter's Catholic education so far...and I'm not even Catholic. :). I will give you an extra prayer!

  6. Did you send the letter? Send the letter! :)

  7. Count on the Landrys for prayers on ALL things house-related!
