September 28, 2012

7 quick takes

1 - Ben Lee.  I bought his cd back in college and loved it.  Every time I hear him sing I think of a road trip my friend Beth and I took to visit Sr MN in Nashville.  I also played her "Jesus Walks" by Kanye; she did not approve.  But she liked this song.

2 - My friend Nancy sent me this great little Snapfish album of pictures she took at the Mass of Thanksgiving for Fulton Sheen being named Venerable.  Then, today I got on her blog, Reading Catholic, and saw some very kind words she had written about the talk I gave at the Catholic Press Association Midwest Regional Conference.  Lots of love from Nancy today!  Thanks, friend!

3 - PS to #2 - if you love books you should definitely follow Nancy's blog.

4 - Look what my friend Sarah sent me to celebrate my new baby girl!
Sarah has an Etsy shop called The Makers Make and it's filled with all kinds of beautiful, handmade things.  She didn't ask me to promote her stuff but it's so good I had to pass it along!

5 - Marie has a thoughtful post here about the crosses we carry.

6 - The grown ups at my house are super excited that Person of Interest is back on for season 2.  Looking for an awesome show to watch on a Thursday night?  Person of Interest should be it.

7 - Obligatory pictures of my cute kids.

so fresh and so clean, clean

No, L is not too engrossed with Martha Speaks to even look at the camera.  Just look at the cute baby!


Cutie patootie.
Thanks to Jen for hosting!  Have a beautiful weekend, friends!


  1. Do you know that the ONLY time I hear new music is when my bloggy friends post it? Is that sad or braggable? I'm going to go with the latter, of course. Always go with the awesome option...

    Your kids are super cuteness :)

    1. They are super cuteness, Thanks!

      And amen on the awesome.

  2. Person of Interest is awesome -- and last night Miles from LOST was in the episode! :)

    1. I KNOW!!!! I'm so glad someone else recognized Miles! My husband didn't care about Miles and I tried convincing him that his character would stick around for Person of Interest. I think it would be neat. :)

    2. I was hoping the same thing, but at the end of the episode it didn't seem like that would happen. Hmmm, which other LOSTies should be on POI? I vote Sawyer and Jack! ;)

  3. Bonnie, I hate to go all "product placement" here, but it was a Shutterfly book! I'm sure the other company is really great but I truly love Shutterfly and the ease of making photo books there and how well they turn out. (This message not sponsored in any way by, though I wouldn't mind if they did sponsor my blog. I'm a faithful customer of many years).

  4. Also, meant to say how adorably cute your kids are, esp. the clean ones! I just love everyone after a bath. My husband will take photos straight on of kids engrossed in TV and they actually turn out really well, as did yours.

  5. 1) I love fresh, clean post-bath pics. 2) I'm glad you liked your book - Nancy told me I couldn't tell you about it. :) I want to see it! 3) And lastly, thanks for linking to my post!

  6. Love that song! fact, you're the one who introduced me to Ben Lee many moons ago. Lucky me ;)

  7. I agree with you on Person of interest

  8. Im so glad you liked the bib!!! And thanks for the link to my shop. The pics of your kids are precious - cuties!!!!

  9. Your kiddos are just so so cute!!
