September 7, 2012

7 quick takes

1 - Heard this one on the radio the other day and really liked it.  Is it about John Mayer?  Does anybody know?  And why would anyone ever want to date John Mayer? 

2 - I have a new post up at Ignitum Today called Building Community with Ministry.  I wrote a little list of ministries I'm familiar with that have worked really well in the parishes and areas they've been in.  If you have a ministry to add I'd love to read about it in the combox.  :)

3 - We're gearing up for a busy weekend.  Tomorrow is Ben and JF's birthday party.  It's a little nerdy how excited I am for the decorations (a real, running train track on the kitchen island!) and the cupcakes (oreos for wheels, pretzels for jovey logs!).  Tonight and tomorrow morning will be spent decorating the cupcakes, cleaning the toilets, and hanging up balloons.

3 - Sunday is the Mass of Thanksgiving for Fulton Sheen being named Venerable.  There is a whole bunch of events - a holy hour, mission rosary, the Mass, a brunch - but because we have four little kids we're only attending the Mass.  However, I'm super excited that LISA HENDEY!!!! and I will be meeting up briefly as she will be interviewing me for an article she's writing.  I'm also excited to get the chance to meet Brandon Vogt, a fellow Ignitum Today contributor, author of The Church and New Media, and an all around nice guy.

4 - Geez, I hope Brandon's not insulted that his name didn't get all caps.  BRANDON VOGT!

5 - Here's the pics of the re-arranging:
JF's crib is out of the first floor nursery.

Ben's Thomas bed and dresser.

L's bed and dresser.  Princesses and pink.

Resa's side of the room.  (Thanks for the dresser, Lisa!)

The nursery.  There's lots more floor space for playing and the changing table (on the other side of the door) is no longer the first thing you see.  By the way, you may have had that couch in 1988 as it's a hand-me-down or a hand-me-down.  It's the most awesome couch for napping ever.  Evah!
6 - Allow me to brag on myself for a moment.  Earlier this week I took down the 4th of July window clings and washed the windows.  I know, it's amazing.  You can be in awe.

7 - I should be baking or getting dressed or doing puzzles with my kids.


  1. The Taylor Swift song is supposedly about Jake Gyllenhall.

    1. Jake Gyllenhall?! He has an indie label? Maybe it's about a bunch of them... Or maybe Jake has an indie label.

  2. And yeah, John Mayer is SUPER creepy.

  3. That is really awesome that you get to meet Lisa Hendey AND Brandon Vogt! Have fun!!! :)

  4. I love you. I hate this Taylor Swift song. I heart John Mayer. He had a conversion :) Seriously, you can hear it on his new album :)

    1. What kind of conversion? (Innocent question - I'm curious) I was always impartial but after he publicly spoke about his sex life with Jessica Simpson... well... I was really put off by that.

    2. Ugh. I loathe this song, too. But since I have a 10 year old girl in the house, we must listen to all things Swifty.

    3. Not a religious conversion but more like major personal growth. In an interview on Ellen he said he was embarassed by what he did re. Simpson and that he realized he was an egotistical a**. On a trip to Wyoming he saw a house for sale and decided to move there to be away from LA and NY and just do some writing and reflecting. Check out his song Shadow Days...

  5. I'm not a fan of the song-but Hannah LOVES it. Every time it comes on in the car the whining ceases and she listens intently. So I guess I do like the song-but for a different reason.

  6. Ive always disliked Taylor Swift and I'm not sure why. Maybe because of the extreme overplaying of her songs, maybe because of her whiny voice, interchanging different male celebs for BFs (I think my dislike of her was heightened when she was seen out with Cory Monteith---nuh Uh). All that being said, I have to admit that I do like this new song. *sigh* ...first I caught the Beiber I'm liking a Taylor Swift song! What's next? Will I get suckered into buying an NSYNC album?? Haha..never!!...I couldnt even keep a straight face as I typed that. LOL

  7. I'm listening to the song now and when she mentions the indie recordl, I think she is just stating that the BF is listening to the indie record "because it is much cooler than hers".?? So maybe she is talking about Jake G.?

    1. oooooh! okay, so you and Anna are right then. Look at me, projecting assumptions all over the place.

  8. I like a lot of her songs, but not this. Her songs are always about a different celebrity, so, since Meyer already has his own, this probably is Jake's. I don't like her personally either. The new sleeping arrangements look pretty neat.

    1. Which one is about Meyer?

      So I actually don't know anything about Taylor's personality or who her songs are about... but I like what I've gotten so far. Hmmmmm....

  9. I like Taylor Swift! We are always dancing around hear to her fun, catchy tunes! And I heard the song was about John Meyer...who knows! The video is fun! Your rearrangement of the rooms look nice...always a good feeling!

  10. Not gonna lie...I totally skipped listening as I'm just not with the Swift movement. Love the simple spaces carved out for each child and the playroom. I read a cool article by a Catholic mom of 30+ years explaining the importance if keeping play outside of bedrooms- good stuff - so kudos to you! My husband owes his knowledge of the faith (after conversion) to Venerable Sheen. Awesome guy and nice "about" updates. The knot rocks.

  11. Man oh man! Haters gonna hate on poor Taylor Swift!

    I do not regret my pop indulgence. But I'll try for something different next week.

  12. Oh please, Bonnie! Write about songs that you like! Who cares what others think? Blessings,

    a friend
