August 23, 2012

7 quick takes - the new blog edition

1 - Welcome to my new blog HOME!  This used to be Learning to be a Newlywed and you can find all of my old posts here.  And to show you it's still the same, we're starting these quick takes with a song.  So click on the song, stomp your feet, sway your hips, dance with your kids in the kitchen.

2 - Speaking of HOME... If you are not Catholic or if you have fallen away from your Catholic faith I would like to invite you to come home to the Roman Catholic Church.  Seriously.  I would love for you to experience the joy that I have as a Jesus-loving, Eucharist-eating, Hail-Mary-praying, nfp-practicing, Bible-reading, confession-going, joyful, orthodox Catholic.  You can start by stopping by your local parish and asking when their RCIA class begins or you can check out this great website, Catholics Come Home.  And if you want you can even leave a comment below letting me know you're thinking of coming Home to Rome - I would love to pray for you and perhaps even address any questions you may have in the blog!

3 - A big THANK YOU goes to my friend, Amanda S., who thought of the title for this blog.  I'm grateful to everyone who gave me feedback on the name change on Facebook.  There were so many good suggestions but "A Knotted Life" really struck a cord with me.  I explain why in the About section but basically it reminded me of the knot in JF's cord and a name for Mary- the Un-doer of Knots.  I also thought it went along perfectly with the underlying theme of what my old blog and this blog are about - me working out my salvation with fear and trembling, aka growing as a wife and mother.

4 - The really quick change over of blogs, along with some layout help, and the header design were all made possible by the lovely and talented Natalie Ramirez.  Natalie is a multi-media major at Franciscan University at Stuebenville and will be graduating this May.  She is a part of the team behind, having met BadCatholic Marc Barnes while they washed dishes together in the dining hall.  Natalie's dream job is to head up the social media marketing for a business.  Based on the fact that she had a lot of great ideas, is incredibly amiable, and it took her less than three hours to do what would have taken me days - I think she'll be great at that job!

5 - Among the other updates here, I also have a new Speaking tab.  I've been getting asked more and more to speak at different parish events and whatnot and I'm really excited about that opportunity.  If you or anyone you know are looking for  a speaker for an event you're planning please know that I'd love to work with you!

6 - Lastly, I'm really excited to say that next week, in honor of my new blog, I'll be hosting a GIVE AWAY! You're gonna LOVE the gift!  Stay tuned!

7 - Happy Weekend!  And thanks to Jen for hosting!


  1. Bonnie, love the new look and new blog! Safari is doing strange things with my bookmarks & reader. Would you consider putting a "subscribe via e-mail" button here? I really enjoy getting updates via e-mail. I'm kind of strange that way, I know.

  2. Thanks, Nancy! I will look into the email subscription button. It's a good idea!

  3. Love the name! It's perfect, and I love the header image too. I'm glad we got a chance to catch up this week. :)

    1. Thanks, Marie! It's always good to see you. :)

  4. Beautiful! Love it all. An exciting new chapter, Bonnie. I can say "I knew her when...." :)

  5. Oh man. I heart Mary Undoer of Knots. That novena is my favorite. This is a great new title, and a fabulous new layout. Congrat.

  6. I love the new site, Bonnie! I'm looking forward to following you along this new journey! You are such an encouragement to me!!

    1. Thanks, Leanne! I'm so glad you're along for the ride. I love your blog, too - it's so positive!

  7. Replies
    1. That means a lot coming from you, Cynthia! Thanks, dear!

  8. lovely site.

    i use a knotted twine rosary to pray so it also brings that to mind.

    1. Jen, I hadn't even thought of the knotted rosaries - but what a beautiful connection! I love it!

  9. I like the new digs. I was actually wondering last week how long you would be 'learning to be a newlywed' since that phase has passed. Now I know! :)
