April 25, 2012

Thank you, Alishia!

To the lovely Alishia who lives in Phoenix and went to high school with Dave Heller, and took it upon herself to email him and ask him and JJ to sing a song for me:


You made me very happy and I cried very hard (though I think I covered it well) when they performed My Savior's Love Endures for me.

The concert was wonderful and I got a huge kick out of meeting the Hellers and Audrey Assad.  But the definite highlight was hearing my request.

So thank you again, Alishia, for your thoughtfulness and for putting yourself out there for me.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, this is Alishia again. After not really reading blogs for MONTHS I was reading Conversion Diary today and she mentioned that you had a baby. I thought, "No way, we're super-fertile twins!" Because I'm pregnant with my sixth child in seven years!! And I've frequently thought of that post you wrote about the cross of super-fertility--talked about it with an infertile friend--and felt SO MANY of the same things that you've written about this most recent pregnancy. Like, spot on. Anyway, know you're not alone. I'm glad to know I'm not alone. And yes, I feel duped sometimes, too. Write me if you want (let's be honest, if you have the mother-loving, freaking time!) alishiahanson@gmail.com enjoy your hospital stay-cation. I joke that that's why I have babies! xoxo
