January 15, 2012

Peter's birthday / For Pete's Sake

Today is the fourth anniversary of our first child's due date.  It's pretty much all I have of him.  Had Peter survived the pregnancy he would be four years old today. 
I wonder if he would look like me or Travis.  I wonder if he would prefer chocolate or vanilla.  I wonder what would make him laugh.  I wish I could hear him say my name and I wish I could scoop him up in my arms.
Awhile ago someone anonymously mailed me an image of Christ holding a small child.  I consider it my only picture of my son and I greatly appreciate the gift.

For Peter's sake I gather prayer intentions on the 15th of each month.  The intentions can be related to infertility, the loss of a child, a failed adoption - anything that is related to the longing for a child.

As a way to honor the child I lost through miscarriage, Peter Mark, and to share your burden, please allow me to pray for you or your loved ones who are carrying the cross of infertility or loss of a child.

You may share your prayer request in the comment box or by emailing me at bonnie engstrom at gmail dot com.

Comments may be anonymous and please feel free to share as much or as little as you like.

It is an honor to pray for you! Thank you for the privilege!


  1. I've been reading here for awhile, but have never commented. I love your blog, and I relate to it, as I have 4 little ones of my own.

    My prayer intention is for my cousin and his parents. Kirk was in a terrible car accident and has many broken bones, a cracked sternum, punctured lung, etc. He then got some kind of infection, too. He is in a trauma hospital that is pretty scary. My aunt is really struggling. Please pray for them and my uncle, too!

    Thank you so much.

  2. I thought of your Peter today at Mass - and even though I had read before that his due date was January 15th, I have no idea why he popped into my head today! Father was saying something about Andrew going to tell his brother Simon that they had found the Messiah, and then Jesus renamed Simon to Peter. I thought maybe if Bonnie's next baby is a boy his name could be Andrew since he would be Peter's brother. That's how my train of thought goes during the homily sometimes. : ) I still think you're having a girl though.

    Please pray for:
    D, who recently miscarried, T, who is trying to conceive, C, who is awaiting the birth of her baby,
    and L, who is cherishing every moment with her baby in the womb.

  3. As always, thank you for saying prayers in honor of your lost son.

    Please join me in praying for my husband's cousin/best friend and his wife, who after struggling with infertility have finally been blessed with conceiving a child! Pray that the pregnancy will proceed normally and bring great joy to them as a family.

  4. Please pray for my daughter and her husband. They are waiting to hear of an unborn baby whose mother has the courage to find a loving family for her child. This is a heart breaking process for them and hard for everyone who loves them to watch their pain.

  5. Hi, it's me. Please pray for my friends A and C who are both trying to conceive and also for us that we will be placed with a baby.

    Love you!

  6. Please pray for L and J-who are pregnant again after a miscarriage and several months of trying. For A, who is struggling with infertility. For A and R-who mourn the loss of their infant daughter.

    Thanks Bonnie.

  7. Please pray for my cousin C and her husband K, who lost a baby at 20 weeks gestation. They were so upset they didn't even find out the sex of the baby. :( (I don't understand this!)

    Please pray for my little Marion, miscarried in 2006.

    Thank you Bonnie. (I'll pray for you too.)

  8. I miscarried this Saturday at 11 weeks. It was our first baby. Please pray for me and my husband.

  9. Please pray for my husband and me to conceive. We have been praying for a little blessing since we got married almost 2.5 years ago.

    Thank you and God bless!

  10. Just found this post. Please pray for my husband and I. We have been trying to get pregnant since we got married.

    Thanks! God bless.
