December 15, 2011

for Pete's sake

I am so sorry that I haven't posted this in about three months.  Things have been super, crazy busy but that's really no excuse since this is the one thing I am able to do to "parent" the child I lost!  I am so sorry if I missed any of your intentions!  Please know you are always on my heart.

As a way to honor the child I lost through miscarriage, Peter Mark, and to share your burden, please allow me to pray for you or your loved ones who are carrying the cross of infertility or loss of a child.

You may share your prayer request in the comment box or by emailing me at bonnie engstrom at gmail dot com.

Comments may be anonymous and please feel free to share as much or as little as you like.

It is an honor to pray for you! Thank you for the privilege!


  1. Hi Bonnie,
    I'm praying for you, God bless you.

    Would you pray for me and my family, even though it is not for infertility or loss of a child? We just need some prayer in general, mostly for finances.


  2. We've lost our first two children to miscarriage. I'm currently nine weeks pregnant and today started bleeding heavily.

  3. HI Bonnie, Jayme Zobrist here. I have a friend from Bible Study whose Sister has now had 2 miscarriages within a year of each other. The second time the Baby was far along enough that she had to deliver. Please pray for her and her husband; I can't even imagine the pain.


    ps... thanks for explaining Catholic ceremonies and sacraments on your blog. I like learning about the purpose behind everything!

  4. Please pray for my friend J.W. and her husband B.W. They suffered a miscarriage.

    -Jamie B.

  5. Please pray for the S's who are struggling with infertility.

  6. Please pray for my cousin Maureen and her husband AJ. A while ago, I told you that she miscarried twins, their first pregnancy. Now they are expecting again, due in May (or somewhere around there), and Maureen has started to have heart palpitations. So far, Mom and baby seem to be doing okay, but the grief from their first pregnancy could be causing additional stress here too, and I know prayers always help. Thanks, Bonnie! I will pray for you too, always :)
