November 7, 2011

what to do on a Monday night

Travis is on a bromance man date with his best friend, at a bar watching the Bears game. 

The kids are asleep (finally!  nap time was horrible today!) and my headache has finally gone away (maybe it was all the water I drank?).

So now I can finally post a picture of my kids on Halloween.
A knight, a princess, and a lion.  roar!
Wow those kids are cute!  How 'bout we look at some more pictures of them?
I caught L "reading" the Bible.  She was actually saying the words to the Guardian Angel prayer.  (Do you know that prayer? So good:  Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God's love commits me here.  Ever this day be at my side to light, to rule, to guard, to guide.  It's a great prayer to start the day, at bedtime, when you've got the heebie jeebies, or when you're about to blow your top.)
Also, L's been practically living in her Rapunzel dress since mid October.  She's so cute.

JF, greeting me at the door.  Did you know he's walking now?  He's walking now.

Ben, super happy about his gigantic, warm from the oven, made from scratch chocolate chip cookie.
Do you remember awhile ago when I was on a serious hunt for the. best. chocolate. chip. cookie. recipe. EVAH!?  I found it.  That's what one looks like.

It is possible that Ben may not be wearing pants or a diaper in this picture.

This was gearing-up-for-quiet-time time.  (Yes, I know it's lame that I do that but sometimes it's needed.)  Put on a PBS Kids show from Netflix to occupy L and B while I lay JF down and then send the other two upstairs. 
Notice how spread out L is?  I had just painted her toenails and fingernails and she's letting them dry. 

Need something a little different to read?  My dear, dear friend, Crafty Katie, has started a blog to chronicle her year on sabbatical.  She turned down a teaching position and is living off savings and a small income from working as DRE at her church.  Already her blog is great.  God check it out: 

Lastly, if you don't like country music or you didn't got to MTHS don't click on the following link.  But if you do like country, went to my high school, or want to see my high school crush is up to these days then check out Jake Maurer
I had a serious, mad crush on that man some 12 years ago.  Whew!  It's almost embarrassing to think about it now.
The crazy thing is that last night I spent the first half of my sleeping dreaming about Jacob and the Black Smoke Monster (does he have a name?  I never caught it.)  And the second half of the night I was dreaming that I was back in high school, dating Jake.  So it was interesting when I saw the link to his updated website on Facebook today. 

And I know what you're thinking.  But I was not stalking him - I saw it in my newsfeed.

Good night!


  1. Ooh, I saw Jake Maurer perform at Tootsies a few years ago! (Before my Peoria days, so I wouldn't have known you yet.) I probably would have had a crush on him in high school, too. : ) Live music in Nashvilee is the BEST!

    Love the cute Halloween picture. Haven't seen you guys in too long!

  2. Um, you liked Jake Maurer? How did I not remember that? Post when you find some hot scoop about Nick Hoerr. :)

  3. Your kids are stinkin cute! And, thinking about high school and Jake Maurer makes me giggle. Most of the time, thinking about high school in general is embarrassing for me, so I try not to!

  4. So CUTE! Your kids look great, so much fun to see James standing there :)

  5. Thanks for the link to my blog. I'm not sure that I know what I have gotten myself into- but I have been thinking that it might be the easiest way to answer the question, "So, what have you been doing with ALL of your time?":)

  6. could you share the choc chip recipe?!


  7. who DIDN'T have a crush on Jake Maurer??
